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Blog Comments posted by 734greg

  1. Hi Julie and Frank - Enjoy reading your materiel in our magazine. This one clicked on me as we have just returned to South Central KY today after a month trip along the Gulf shores almost identical to your trip and places mentioned. The FMCA SE Area Rally at Brooksville is a fun time seeing lots of our camping friends and volunteering to drive trams each year. The weather was chilly up until February 19th (the day before we departed the area) when it achieved the lofty temp of 70 in the Sarasota area. The local folks as well as the "Winter Floridians" were sure dismayed as the weather was playing havoc with their golf outings. Maybe next year.Have fun in Biloxi.Bob Greg 734

  2. You will love full-timing in your motorhome. No seed to sow; no fertilize to spread; no grass to mow; cleaning gutters, and on an on. I have been full-timing for the past four years and love every minute of it. Attending and volunteering at Unit, Area and National rallies is where I have the most enjoyment. Meeting people from all across this great America as a Tram volunteer is my number one enjoyment with helping park incoming coach's a close second.

    Having all my personal and base camp bills automatically paid by my bank is a must for me. Mail is a very small consideration with the use of my 3G Laptop and cell phone to conduct business and maintain family contacts. Sorry I am not much help with your US Postal mail thoughts. As you continually analyze this spoke in the full-timing wheel, you will all of a suden realize, "hey it wasn't all that hard to fix".

    Good luck, safe travels and hope to see you on down the road.

    Bob Gregory


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