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Everything posted by allegrorover@mac.com

  1. Hi Don, we drove up through Page AZ and it was awesome, the roads we fairly flat and the scenery incredible. If time plan to spend a day or two in Page, you'd never believe the ice blue lake there. You can also take hummer tours in the area, which was highly recommended to us, but alas, not enough time.
  2. We have a 40-foot RV with a motorcycle on a lift and a toad behind it. We are looking for advice about traveling the coast road of California -- available campgrounds, places we should or shouldn't go. We will be taking our trip in May for several months and would like to visit several wineries through California, Oregon and Washington. Is the coast road the best to take as far as scenery and access to villages and campgrounds considering our size, or would it be best to stay inland and drive to the coast as we move up north? We would appreciate any info and recommendations. Thanks for your help.
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