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Extended Service Plan

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Hi All, I’m looking for input regarding the Good Sam Extended Service Plan. Has anyone used this plan? Was your experience filing a claim good or bad? Thanks for your help!

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I have used them a few times. It really depends on how the repair place writes up the description.  I don't know how that exactly works but a service manager re-submitted a request for authorization and the way he worded it, he said, they approved it.

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On 8/30/2019 at 11:08 PM, wayne77590 said:

I have used them a few times. It really depends on how the repair place writes up the description.  I don't know how that exactly works but a service manager re-submitted a request for authorization and the way he worded it, he said, they approved it.

Yep, dot i's cross t's. It is a contract, and worded as such. I bought an extended service contract with our MH from CW, studied it before signing, as I would with any contract.

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HapptyHobos. Good Sam ESC does not have their  own inspectors, they have contracted independent RV inspectors in every major city. IMO you did the right thing by contacting "Jamie" and persisting in obtaining satisfaction. It's like the old addage, "The wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the most grease."

We also had a GS ESC policy on our MH. Overall we were quite satisfied with our  results, money well-spend in our case.

It is Cummins NOT Cummings. You may have been thinking of Senator Cummings.

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