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I was just asked this question and I couldn't find the answer, "who to contact that would be of admin status." So where is a place to find a list of who is a admin, and contact info. Might even be fun to include how long they have held that position. 


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Well tried to send him a message but got "Steve Froese (sfroese) cannot receive messages." There should be a list of who is forum moderator/admin and a easy way to contact them. If you know how tell him to get in touch with me and foam4u (Keith). Thank you


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Bill, according to the website, there are four administrators just none that appear to be active or at least only one admin has ever made a post and he has only made one. 

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5 hours ago, elkhartjim said:

Bill, according to the website, there are four administrators just none that appear to be active or at least only one admin has ever made a post and he has only made one. 

Well hopefully he can help foam4u who contacted me looking for moderator/administrator. 

So how are you doing? How cold did it get down your way? it was 11 hear this morning. Plenty cold for us.


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Yes, I was able to help him. Note there is only one moderator for the forum as far as I'm aware. Administrators are different things, as they keep the IT infrastructure and websites running. Not sure if you were simply mixing up the terms or not.

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14 hours ago, sfroese said:

Yes, I was able to help him. Note there is only one moderator for the forum as far as I'm aware. Administrators are different things, as they keep the IT infrastructure and websites running. Not sure if you were simply mixing up the terms or not.

My post is based on the information on the FMCA Forum page. 

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Hi Bill et al, I apologize for the long delay in this response, but it points to an issue I have been trying to address with the forum.

I am not notified of new postings, and I do not receive notifications when people directly try to contact the moderator. Also, when they set me as moderator, I actually lose moderator privileges, IT does not seem to know why. I believe they have set me as a regular member with moderator access. Definitely not ideal, and this is why I have to manually search through the many postings to find requests I can assist with. This is a labor intensive process.

Also, moderator and admin are different roles, and I only have moderator access..... sort of.

So, my apologies to any member who has been frustrated with trying to get a response or feedback from the moderator. We are working on addressing this issue, including why I do not receive emails for the moderator.



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