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Wrinkles with w/d dryer combo

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While the size of the washload may be adequate, the same load in the dryer cycle may be too much. If you look at the owners manual I believe it states you can wash 15 lbs. of clothes but it will only dry 11 lbs. Usually wrinkles are caused by the clothes just spinning as opposed to tumbling. I might suggest washing a smaller load and see if the reduction in quantity makes a difference in the drying.

Also read the following post from their website. A lot of useful information here. Also note the section concerning cleaning the exhaust vent.


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Guest BillAdams

It's also important that you not set the dry cycle to kick in immediately after the wash. The wash/spin cycle will "stick" all of the wash to the sides of the unit and drying them that way will give you very bad results. Once the wash cycle is complete, remove all of the wash and shake them out before returning them to the tumbler. As noted above you can't dry as much as you wash and you can try different amounts until you find the right combo. My wife washes and entire set of sheets but only drys one sheet at a time. She will wash 6-8 shirts but drys 3-4 at a time. The others hang over the shower awaiting their turn. We have very few wrinkles in our perm. press stuff. If she is washing jeans she will do up to 3 but only dry 1 at a time. Sounds like a lot of work, but really, what else are you doing? Do some now and some later on one of those days you really didn't have anything else to do anyway!

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Hi 101 worst,

Welcome to the FMCA forum. Items not needing to be wrinkle free are washed daily. It can be a set it and forget it. Start the wash before leaving for the day's activities and when I return everything is ready to be put away.

For items needing to be as wrinkle free as possible, I wash on days when the activity schedule allows me to be around the coach. Following the previous posts, there are several ways to ensure wrinkles are kept to a minimum. For me, the smaller loads work best.

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