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Tips and Hints.



Over the last seven years, Diane and I have learned, discovered, or otherwise stumbled upon a few things that have helped us during our adventures on the road.

1. Velcro computer wiring straps (available from Wal-Mart of course) can keep your coach vertical cabinet doors from flying open while going down the road and hitting a pot hole or expansion joint or worst yet….rolling over a speed bump. Just slip one thru the cabinet handles and snick it down. They have saved our dishes more than once.

2. If you have area rugs that you have to roll up to bring in your slide outs then roll them up around a pool noodle. This will keep the rug edges from curling when you lay them out at your next stop. They will lay flat instead.

3. You can create a wine glass caddy to protect your glassware while traveling by cutting the bottom off a beer cozy (the soft collapsible ones) and slipping it over the glass.

4. Carry a curved sail needle and some uv resistant thread….you never know when you might need to sew up a hole in a slide topper. Silicone uv resistant fabric spray is a good thing to have as well. A coating of that on your toppers will make them last a lot longer.

5. Mount a paper towel holder somewhere in a compartment on both sides of your coach. It is good to have one roll near the wet bay and another on the patio side to have access to when cooking outside.

6. I have found that the best thing to clean a really dirty rubber or fiberglass coach roof with is Murphy oil soap. Clorox clean up will help dissolve stubborn stains including sap. Seal and quick clean the roof with Murphy Squirt and Mop. This will leave a nice shine.

7. Coach closets don’t get much air circulation, we put dryer sheets in them to help keep locked up clothes smelling fresh. A dryer sheet tossed in the dirty clothes bag or drawer is a helpful thing as well.

8. Washing a coach can be a tiring pain in the neck and back. I use a long handle adjustable nozzle sprayer with a reservoir that allows you to soap down your rig and then rinse it (available at Wal-Mart for nineteen bucks). If you attach an inline water filter to the hose you will not get water spots. I use a carnauba wax car wash. I prefer ArmorAll Extreme Shine car wash solution.

9. Turtle Wax Ice spray on synthetic wax is good stuff. You can use it on paint, chrome, vinyl, rubber and glass. In other words it’s good for the whole coach and tow car. It can be used as a cleaner even when you are staying in a campground with water restrictions. Spray it on, rub in with a terry cloth, and rub off with a second cloth. It leaves no swirl marks and blends in minor scratches. You are left with a slick, shiny coach when finished.

10. It’s a good idea to once in a while go through all your basement compartments and storage boxes. You will find out that you are carrying around things you don’t need anymore and find things you thought you were out of that you do need, like wheel lug nut caps.

11. Keep a cheap volt ohm meter in your electrical bay along with a flashlight and a gallon of distilled water. Makes it much easier to maintain your batteries and make them last longer.

12. Things don’t roll around in your bay if you strap them together. These things include fishing rods, washing brushes and brooms, hoses. I found some adjustable ball and bungee straps at Lowes that work really well for this purpose.

13. Always ask any campground or resort that has wifi if they provide wifi client security. This is more than just a password. Client security protects you from other logged on users. If the campground says no or they don’t know, then you must tell your computer you are logged on to a public wifi and turn off file and print sharing. If you don’t take this precaution you could get hacked by a fellow camper.

14. I use a mixture of Pine-Sol and water to rise out and sanitize my sewer hoses and wet bay. It works just as well as bleach and doesn’t spot my clothes.

15. There are cell phone repeaters that work. I use a Z-Boost with dual band uni directional antennas. One is for data, one for voice. I mount them to my ladder with pvc pipes coupled together. I can strap em together and store em in my pass thru storage while traveling.

16. The moment you think that there is nothing wrong with your coach something will break….like a windshield wiper arm.

17. If your toilet won’t hold water it could be that the ball seal needs cleaning. There is a groove in the seal that will clog and then it can’t well…seal.

18. Try to take advantage of every space in your coach. I recently attached a piano hinge to the washer dryer plumbing compartment so that I could store things like grocery bags and collapsible crates in there.

19. Consider placing a wireless thermometer in your fridge. It’s great for helping you keep your beer and stuff from freezing or getting too warm.

20. When you find a good rv repair facility make every effort to go there when you have something wrong with your coach that you can’t fix yourself or isn’t an emergency repair. I am talking about things like broken air conditioners, body work, slide out repair etc. We take our coach to Terry Labonte RV service in Greensboro NC.

That’s all for now but I am sure to come up with some more…after all one of my rules is

“Owning a motor coach is a never ending learning experience.”




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A great set of tips, you have put Heloise to shame! I've stolen the list, copied to my hard drive for ready access. Thanks, Tom

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Velcro straps on cabinet doors are fine for dishes, but they will not even slow down a full wine bottle that is launched by taking one rear wheel over a large rut. I have proof! We added childproof locks which also will not stop a wine bottle! Store wine closer to the floor so it has less distance to fall!

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xctraveler: You are so right about that! We pack all our wine bottles in a saved wine case box or compartmentalized travel carrier...no bottles stored up high.

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These are great tips. I liked learning about the turtle wax ice. I'm going to give it a try. For your roof, do you use a "roof treatment" or do you just stick with the Murphy's and do you have a rubber roof? Thanks.

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I just stick with the Murphy stuff. An RV tech told me that any roof treatment only causes more trouble than it prevents. Just keep the caulk in good shape and that is one of the reasons for Murphy oil soap...its good for any rubber.

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To add to your list:

We have recently added pool noodles to our slide-out. I split one side of the noodle (lengthwise) and wrap the noodle around the bottom edge of the slide-out. I did this out of necessity because the wife almost knocked herself out when she stood up under it. I also got the noodles in blaze orange so the edge is visible. It is a cheap way to keep from going for stitches in your skull. I picked mine up for $1 each.

Another handy item to have in the RV is a folding step stool. I picked up a short folding stool at bed bath and beyond. Now the wife doesn't need my help to put things away in the upper cabinets.

Almost every trip someone on our group needs tools. I bought a cheapo made in Taiwan tool set at Harbor Freight and tool. My buddies laughed at me when they saw it but it has saved the day more than once.

Here is my favorite camp fire trick. For not much money, you can buy a propane torch with a push button igniter. The kind you use to sweat pipe together. I am all for building a good fire from scratch with one match. But there are times when you just need to get that bad boy burning.

One last thing to add the your list, My wife bought a folding bucket at a camp store a while back. At the time I thought it was the most ridiculas thing I had ever seen. I used it so much I wore it out!

Great bunch of tips Gramps! Thanx!


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Gramps, some great ideas, especially for us newbies. i need to get the Z boost and some noodles for sure. Your coach is a gas pusher? never heard of that. We just purchased a Tiffin FRED.

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