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Our Roadtreking RV Burglarized in Illinois



blog-0087415001432212003.pngblog-0087415001432212003.pngblog-0087415001432212003.pngblog-0087415001432212003.pngSeven minutes is all it took for our RV to be burglarized, to lose $12,000 and counting worth of equipment – just about everything of value inside the motorhome except the dog.

Yes, just seven minutes.

That’s all it took for the bad guys to come into our space, take our stuff.

We know it was only seven minutes, too, from our dash cam recording most of it.

But as Jennifer points out, what they physically took are only things. The stuff is just that – stuff.

And, yes, it isn’t fun, but it is life and when things like this happen, you have two choices: bury your head in the sand or learn from it and move on.

So we move on.

We WILL continue with our trip out west along Route 66. We WILL continue with our Roadtreking podcasts.

First Things First: Roadtreking RV Burglarized in Illinois

It happened just across the Mississippi River – from St. Louis in Collinsville, Ill. – when we stopped for dinner about 6:15 p.m. at a restaurant in a busy shopping mall off Interstate-55. It was a pretty upscale mall too, with lots of well known stores and restaurants and traffic.

While we were inside eating, at least two thieves somehow gained entry to our Roadtrek CS Adventurous XL and, in about seven minutes took more than $12,000 worth of electronic gear from our rig – including all of the video and still cameras and most of the mobile podcasting studio gear I had taken for the trip.

Police blamed gangs from nearby East St. Louis. A guy towing a U-Haul who also stopped for dinner and parked a few spaces down was also hit. They smashed a window out to gain entry to his vehicle and also took a computer.

It turns out, though, that my dash cam may have captured an image of one of the thieves who looked to be casing our RV. A “person of interest” can be clearly seen on the dash cam peering in the front.

Seconds before he walked out of sight, someone entered from the side and was joined by an accomplice. I’ve given the evidence over to police. They would like to identify and talk to the person seen here.


The video showed this man walking back and forth, peering inside and then disappearing off to the left, seconds after someone entered the vehicle from that direction. Under his left arm he is carrying what appears to be a hammer or some sort of burglary tool.

Alas, because the dash cam pointed outward, we did not get an image of the thieves who were inside. The dash cam did record some of their audio. They can be heard talking nicely to Tai, who, knowing him, was probably delighted by the company.

The inside was totally ransacked. Every cupboard was opened and all the contents strewn about. You can hear the thieves delighting over the laptops. “What’s this,” one of them asked, followed by the sounds of things falling to the floor.

I can’t begin to describe how incredibly sad it is to hear these lowlifes talking so casually about the things they were finding and stealing. They laughed and sounded totally at ease. In Jennifer’s tote bag were some personal items, things of absolutely no value or meaning to the thieves, but things that were meaningful to her.

Both of our laptops, an iPad, chargers, my professional video camera, my high end Canon 5D Mark III DSLR camera with a memory card full of Route 66 photos, my multichannel podcast mixing board, a Rand McNally GPS, a portable printer and all sorts of cables and stuff like a backpack, Jennifer’s tote bag and even my shower soap, shampoo and deodorant were taken.

When we came back out from the restaurant about 7:03 PM, the thieves were gone and Tai looked stressed. He knew stuff wasn’t supposed to be tossed all over the RV. Fortunately, the thieves did not hurt him. As I mentioned, they can be heard talking soothingly to him as they stole our stuff.

After police took our report, I went to a nearby Best Buy and bought a replacement computer. I stayed up all night, first configuring it and then, account by account, changing passwords on my email accounts, my credit card companies, my bank and other personally sensitive information. Then I did it all for Jennifer. Then we called our accountant and bank to alert them to be on the alert for suspicious activity.

Fortunately, all my computer info was encrypted and backed up with strong security measures. But it’s better to take no chances, hence an all-nighter. I am too old to pull an all-nighter.

I also am glad I have a Mac. I used Apple’s”Find My Mac” service to first see if I could locate the stolen laptop. It didn’t show but I clicked the “notify me if found” box, which, as soon as it goes online, will send me a map of its location. I also send an erase command which will wipe the had disk and lock the machine so it can not be used. This is a great service and well worth the cost of buying Apple.

Tips: Lessons Learned from the Roadtreking RV Break-In

We suspect that thieves are using technology to transmit radio signals that mimic the unlock signals transmitted by key fobs.

If so, that would explain why there was no sign of forced entry. Because as we left the vehicle, as normal, Jennifer asked if I had locked it. I distinctly remember walking to the side passenger window, pushing the lock button on the key fob, and seeing and hearing the inside locks depress.

Almost as frustrating an experience of being robbed is the runaround I’m now getting from my insurance carrier. The claims investigator who called me back said because there was no forced entry evidence, they probably won’t pay.

The company I used specializes in insuring recreational vehicles. But if they deny my claim, they are going to literally have a very unhappy camper on their case.

The rationale suggested by the claims agent is simply unacceptable. These thieves illegally entered our home. The RV is our home. They violated that home and stole from us. Now, the insurance agency is hinting it will do the same thing by not paying.

We’ll see what happens as the claim works its way up, but I urge all of you to carefully check your policies.

Inventory the items you take with you and make sure you are adequately covered by a reputable agency.


Recommended Comments

Wow! Mike and Jennifer this is tragic in the extreme. Our thoughts are with you and we hope the police find the "bad guys" and that your insurance company comes to its senses. What a tragedy for you both but thank GOD Tai was not harmed.

Don't know what else to say such a nightmare .... good to read you are continuing with your trip

From fellow Roadtrekers

Graham and Jay

PS: I/Graham can relate to "Are you sure you locked..."!!!!

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How can you prevent these types of happenings? Is the best thing to do is lock your doors via the lock on the door not the remote key fob?

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Mike and Jennnifer,

What a horrible event. This is not the first time I have heard of people stopping at a restaurant along a highway and being burglarized. I guess thieves can assume if you go into the restaurant you are planning to be there for a while. Traveling with a fully equipped RV, we are particularly vulnerable because of the many prizes that we have inside. Your story should be a caution for us all. Thanks for posting and best of luck with the insurance company.

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So sorry to hear of this invasion. I have being a victim. I believe you are more computer literate than most. Good for you! Can you state the insurance company that is giving you a hard time? At least their initials.

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Sad event, I too am sorry for the loss, and loss of time for you. Someone stole our almost new 2012 KIA in 2012, over $7000.00 of equipment

was in the car. 29 days later, the police called to say it had been located. Over $9000.00 damage to a six month old car, bullet holes included.

Of course the insurance co., fixed the car, but would not replace any of my equipment. I did file with my homeowner policy, and got all that

was inventoried. If you still own a home, you may want to check with them. Good luck with insurance, and hope the police find the low life's.

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I have been absent from these blogs for a while. I just read of your loss. My condolences to you both. I have been hit by thieves at my home a couple of times over the years. You definitely feel violated.

I hope they can find and trace some of the items, and prosecute the culprits. However, the reality is that there is so much theft going on, and so many unscrupulous people willing to buy "bargain" merchandise with no questions asked, that the chance of any recovery and/or prosecution is somewhere between slim and none.

May God bless and protect you in your travels.

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