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Hi,  My wife & I are new to RVing. We recently found out that the 3,  32" SEIKI TV's in our Thor coach will not receive/download digital cable channels.

I have covered every possible solution and come up empty. I was told that this type of TV doesn't have what is called a QAM Tuner; therefore is unable to download digital channels. I didn't realize that anyone in this day & age made a TV that wasn't cable ready? Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so does anyone have a solution, short of buying new TV's. My coach is a 2016 and I would think that the MFG (THOR) would have put better quality TV's in their coaches... I'm frustrated and upset.

Cal Jennings


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Not sure what model of TV they installed but we have two of them in the house and one is on a antenna and the other is on Dish. Over the last 10 days I had the second one working on the antenna while Dish was making repairs to our system.

Had to go to menu then channel to air then scan. When I switched back to satellite I had to go menu then cable then tune to the set channel for the Dish network.

Make sure the antenna is up and turned on. Make sure cable is hooked into the TV.

We have a 28" in the craft room and 32" in the bedroom. Both work nice for the money. Neither are smart TV's.

Good luck


R.G. Miller


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You have 1366 pixel and you need a minimum of 1800.  As DD said...get a new TV.

Also, you would get far more responses, if you post your problem on the Forum, under electronics...not a blog.  I'm here because I was checking on a friends travel plans.


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We had no problem with TV until decided  to replace our cabinet puck lights bulbs. Then last almost al signals except for a few channels. Thought it was an antenna problem but noticed it mostly happened starting in early evening. One day everything was fine. My wife flicked the light switch on and immediately lost tv signal. We both noticed it so sh flipped the switch off. Signal came back. Tried again, same results. Replaced the LEDs with standard G$ Halogen. No more problem

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Many of the Seiki TVs in the Thor motorhome do not have QAM tuners. If yours is one of those, your only options are to replace the TV or purchase a QAM tuner. I have the sameissue in my 2017 ACE 30.3 and yes, it is frustrating.

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