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Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine Looks at the Rio Grande Valley

For sixteen years we have returned to the Rio Grande Valley, in the southern tip of Texas, each fall.  We enjoy the mild winters and the abundance of recreation, natural resources and wildlife in the area.  The December issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine is dedicated entirely to the Rio Grande Valley (RGV).  This publication from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is an excellent resource for those looking for a spot to visit in the winter, perhaps like us, you'll find it to be just what you are looking for in a winter residence.

December cover image

In commemoration of their 75th year in publication they decided to focus on a single area of Texas and the staff decided that focus had to be on the RGV.  They sent the entire staff to the RGV, housing them at Estero Llano Grande State Park south of Weslaco.  Every article in this issue of the magazine is about the RGV; its people, nature, history and recreation.  A one year subscription (10 issues) costs just $18.00.  There are regular offers in the magazine for $12 per year and 2 years for $20.  You should be able to purchase this issue at any Texas State Park.  You can read any or all articles in this issue at:  https://tpwmagazine.com/


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We will do our annual birding trip in April for the spring migration staying at the LLano Grande Resort and Country Club in Mercedes.  Our plan is to spend two weeks in the valley and then move to Big Bend and finally southern Arizona. 

South Texas is awesome plus a good opportunity to get the motorhome and Jeep waxed for much less than in the Canyon Lake area.

Thanks for sharing, Tom, we should be getting our TPWD magazine any day. On a side note, we were blessed to spend the day with Larry Ditto in the Christmas Mountains a few months ago as he was setting up for a class he was holding an photographing hummingbirds during the Davis Mountains Hummingbird Festival. Wow...did he ever teach us a lot of new things about bird photography. 

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Hi Tom, we will be heading to the RGV after Big Bend Natl Park. Can you suggest any good routes or boondock sites? We have no problem staying at a nice resort either. Maybe a meet up if you both are still there. Our ETA is going to be middle of March or a bit later. Thanks

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