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  1. Last October I had a root canal and crown at Venus Dental. https://www.dentalvenus.com/algodones.php Very pleased with the work and price.
  2. Not Molor City but had a root canal and crown last week at Venus Dental, Very pleased with the work and price.
  3. We went to Alaska last summer, we have a Travl'r and Dish. We got one satellite, 119, everyplace we were unless trees or mountains were in the way. People in our group with with Directv lost all signal in lower Canada. I switched our locals to Anchorage
  4. We went to Alaska with Fantasy last summer, they will give you a Mile post book and full list of campgrounds when you meetup to start the trip. The info includes campground name, address, phone and latitude and longitude. It will also include fuel stops along the way and other things like scenic pull outs, etc. The wagon master and tail gunner will both call and talk over what to expect and try to answer questions. For us this was a trip of a lifetime, we made lifelong friends.
  5. I have them on our 2012 Allegro Bus, the previous owner had them installed. I don't have any tools to remove them, I recently had new tires installed and the dealer didn't have any special tools but was able to remove and reinstall the Tyrons without any problem. Not sure about roadside service but I don't see an issue.
  6. Anyone know of an Aqua Hot tech in the Las Vegas or Pahrump area? Thanks Brian
  7. I have had a Vantage Vue for 6 or 7 years, I like it and think it accurate. I use a flag pole mount from Flagpolebuddy.com on the ladder and bought a cheap 4' TV mast at Lowes.
  8. Does anyone know if we can have mail sent to the INTO rally in Tallahassee? If so what address should we use? Thanks Brian
  9. Our Coach Net is up for renewal, I see FMCA recommends FMCA's Road Assist, are both services equal? I've used Coach Net for a tow and a couple jump starts. All have been great, but the FMCA's Road Assist is less money and if equal I'll try it. Thanks Brian
  10. Are you saying the 7720 couldn't find Myrtle Beach, SC? I have a 7720 works great, I just plugged in Myrtle Beach SC and it found it just fine.
  11. Larry, I got fuel at the Jackson, GA Flying J on 3/22/15, it took about 30 minutes to put 97 gallons in, I "should" have stopped pumping but I was already there and never had issues with Flying J fuel, but after that I had to change fuel filters once so far and maybe more, we'll see. I dumped the filters out in a pan but no sign of water ( I didn't cut it open to see about algae). Is that where/when you got fuel?
  12. IMHO, Powerglide makes a great chassis and Cummins is a great choice. disclaimer, I have both :-)
  13. You might consider joining the Spartan group of FMCA. http://www.spartanfmca.com/
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