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About bigpapaporsche

  • Birthday 02/07/1949

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    Cincinnati Ohio
  • Interests
    Sailing, Woodworking, Porsche .Sport Cars, Camping, Politics.

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  1. Today's MH have more Electronics than ever before and getting them repaired can also be expensive. A "Surge Protector"is designed to guard against both HIGH and LOW Voltages. This can be a confusing item to understand and purchase, so I read a lot of material and watch several Youtubes on the subject to better understand them. According to the information I found, "Progressive Industries" unit was rated very high. This narrowed the field, but I still had to decide between a Portable vs a Hardwired device. When I reviewed "Progressives Industries Comparison Chart" it was obvious which device offered the most protection, I selected the Hardwire Device. In addition to offering better/more protection, you don't have to worry about someone stealing your Surge Protector from the pedestal or forgetting to install it altogether. I also called their Tech Line and asked them what I needed to consider in selecting which one to select, they were very helpful! Finally, because we have a small Class B+ MH we only needed a 30 AMP protector.
  2. The main Forum has several comments about Spare Wheel/Tires, look under the Tire Section.
  3. Thanks Bill for the good suggestions, I have updated my Profile. For the benefit of other our MH is a 2017 PleasureWay XL Twin bed, on a 2016 MB Sprinter Chassis.
  4. I am well with-in its capacity. The Wheel/Tire assy weighs 60 lbs, plus the added Hitch/Carrier Parts 25 lbs, plus the Stowaway Trunk 45 lbs and the 2 bikes another 60 lbs = 190 lbs total. The total vertical load Spec is 500 lbs.
  5. Be sides the environmental protection benefits of a Spare Tire Cover, they also provide much better security and provide better appearance IMHO. I am having a custom Hardshell Spare Tire Cover being made right now, from Boomerang inc in Calif, eta 10 days or so. They are custom painting the Hardshell cover the same as the RV's body color and it has a Stainless Steel Rim Band, should compliment the back of the RV. I also hope to install a MB Emblem in the center. Attached to the Spare Tire Cover will be a Stowaway Storage Trunk to store our 2 folding bikes.
  6. I've used the "Search Function" on the Forum , but didn't find what I was looking for. I assume that most of the FMCA forum members are Class A MH, correct me if I am wrong. I obviously want to Protect my Electrical System and all the Electronic Devices that are now Standard Equipment on most MH's. Our MH is a Class B+ PleasureWay. My knee-jerk response was to add the type that hang from the Electrical Pedestal at most Campgrounds. However, my research took me in a different direction and lead me to installing a "Hardwired Surge Protector" to get the full benefits they provide. Even though the Hardwired Protectors are substantially higher priced and a bit harder to install, I am glad I did it! I assume most Class A, MH have these Hardwired as standard equipment. I am I correct?
  7. I have update my Profile to indicate our MH Info, but for sake of simplicity I'll list here also. It is a 2017 PleasureWay XL Twin Bed Model, built on a 2016 MB Sprinter Chassis. We bought it this past Nov, it has 3000 mIles on the clock.
  8. Things to think about. Technically, these devices are meant for OFF- Road use only! They are in fact illegal for use on the highway, remember the EPA!! In addition they can/will void your Warranty! Generally, if it not recommended by the OEM, I would think twice using them. Additionally, IMHO, they also reduce the value of your RV, because most people don't want something that has been modified in this way. While some of these devices do improve performance, I just don't think they are worth the money, and when you consider the Downside, I question the idea to use them.
  9. Thanks, I will update my profile. It a 2017 PleasureWay XT Twin Beds, on a Sprinter Chassis. I am still working with Roadmaster to get their Model 195125 Spare Tire Carrier to fit correctly. I am having a Spare Tire Cover (HardShell) custom made by Boomerrang in Calif. They are going to paint the Big Flat Cover Plate the same as the RV color, which should compliment the Stainless Steel Outer Band. I am also modifying a Trailer Hitch Extension so I can attach a Stowaway Storage Trunk to stores 2 Folding Bikes. Hopefully I'll meet some of you guys in Atlanta. Attached is a Mock-up so far, not completed yet. Note, as you might imagine, our RV's License Plate is partially hidden by the Storage Trunk. My solution was to copy my original Ohio Plate and mount the copied Plate on the Trunk, it almost impossible to see the difference. Is it Memorex or Real.
  10. Dear Manholt, maybe I wasn't clear in asking my question, i.e. Spare Tire yes or no? I stated the reasons, IMHO why we are adding one to our Class B+ MH. You suggested that my comments were unsubstantiated, I was simply quoting the information I found on the internet to help me make an informed decidsion. What is your source, if you have one? If so, I am very interested in learning another point-of-view, facts would be beneficial. I see you have 8653 Posts. Are all of them as well thought out as the above Post.
  11. I enjoyed your Post and decided to go to Youtube to see what other people's experiences were. I've spent 50 years in the Automotive/Commercial Truck Repair Industry and have a used both 1/2 Air and Electric (110V) Impacts. It was my experience that an Air Impact is much better! We just added a Spare Wheel to our Motorhome and I plan to use only hand tools, i.e. Breaker Bar to remove the Lug Nuts and a Torque Wrench to reinstall.
  12. There seems to be a lot of conversation regarding the need for a Spare Tire on today's Vehicle/RV. If you are "On the Fence," in considering adding a Spare Tire to your RV, I would suggest that you ask Google, How many Flat Tires occurred in the USA last? I seen the figure of 220 Million Flat Tires on several sites, although I find this very hard to believe. Additionally. I've found that the average person will have 5 Flat Tires in his life. The point is, they happen and all too often when you least expect it. We consider a Spare Tire an essential piece of equipment for us to have on board our RV, although ironically we hope we never have to use it! We view it like you would a Boat's Life Preserver or House Fire Extinguisher, you hope you will never need it, but you better know how to use it should the time arrive. I'll be happy if we avoid the inconvenience from just one Flat Tire! We installation the "Roadmaster Spare Tire Carrier" on our PleasureWay XL. The Spare Tire Carrier is inserted into the Trailer Hitch's Receiver and the Tire is attached with bolts. Although my Steel Wheel/Tire weighs 65 lbs it swings down easily using the lowering lever. The Spare Tire Carrier also has the option of either another Trailer/Tow Dolly or in our case a StowAway Storage Trunk attached to it.
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