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Everything posted by rosszie@me.com

  1. I have a Sprint Hotspot.. Overdrive.. Internet with Router.. up to five computers.. and we also used it to printer and keep date on a external drive.. A home a run three (3) computers on in with printers (wireless) One is a I-Mac the other is a Mac Book Pro.. and a Dell Notebook.. This unit can be battery powered, pluged in to the computer (via USB) or 110 connected. Traveling we are using the Mac's.. We went on a trip with the new hotspot and were using the Mac Pro.. while driving.. pretty inpressive.. no 120 or 12v power just on its battery (runs about 3.5hrs per charge) when we reached our camping site in the high desert.. the signal was down to 20% (no towers) well I thought it was going to be very bad.. but to my supprise not so slow' yes but faster than a air card.. I was on 3g only ! way out thier.. after a couple of hours the signal got better ??? 40% signal.. I was impress.. expeding to have to go in to the camping host club house fto use thier wi-fi" I did try it the next day.. not any faster.. I was inside my Coach and had the unit (Hotspot) sitting on the counter.. no pointing at the window or, out side, or on top of the MH... I have to say I' very pleased with unit.. I pay $ 40 a month for it, that unlimited useage.. I spent $ 49.90 for the unit which was set and activation plus the contact for 2yrs. I had Verizone at $69 per month.. what a piece of (#@^&%*%$##$) excuse me I mean crap... It wasa always dropping siginal ' slower some times that dial up.. so I do not think I'm going to but any additional equipment, unless I see or hear about something out of this world... I hope this help's some of you" JARZ09, 2002 C/C Magna 40ft"
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