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About fredkeen@ymail.com

  • Birthday 03/15/1947

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  • Location
    North Texas
  • Interests
    Boating, 4x4 Offroading, Camping

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  1. Well thought out and some good ideas Don.
  2. This was issued 2/07/11: FEDERAL and AMERICAN EAGLE 45 AUTO PRODUCT SAFETY WARNING Immediate Action Required FEDERAL CARTRIDGE COMPANY • 900 BOB EHLEN DRIVE • ANOKA, MN 55303 • PHONE 763.323.2300 • Toll Free: 1-800-322-2342 Certain lots of recently manufactured 45 Auto ammunition may contain an incorrect propellant charge. Use of product from these lots may result in firearm damage and possible serious injury. DO NOT USE PRODUCT FROM THE FOLLOWING LOTS: If you have in your possession any 45 Auto with the following brand names and part numbers, check to see if your ammunition package contains the above lots: American Eagle® (AE45A, AE45N1, or AE45A250), Champion™ (WM5233), GoldMedal® (GM45B), Hi-Shok® (45C, 45D) and Federal® Personal Defense® (C45C, C45D). Example below: The examples below show where you THIS WARNING APPLIES ONLY TO THE LOTS LISTED ABOVE. If you possess ammunition from any of these lots, or have questions concerning this warning, please contact us at 1-800-831-0850 or 1-800-322-2342 and ask for Product Service. Federal will provide replacement product and will cover the cost of returning the affected product. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
  3. Thanks Kane! The mirror is a Velvac and their website it easy to navigate to find parts. For anyone who needs it: Website
  4. Thou speaketh the truth Wayne,,,
  5. The gears in the driver side mirror on our coach have stripped and I'm told replacing the entire unit is considerably cheaper than trying to buy the 'innards'? It's a 2001 American Eagle coach with bus style mirrors as shown in this 'sistership' pix. Any leads would be appreciated: Thanks!
  6. Herman, really hate to disagree with you (unless it's a bet and you buy , BUT, I think the caulking required for sealing rubber gasketing is going to be urethane. The problem with silicone is that the gasketing material releases oils over time and is not compatible with the silicone. As to the replacement gasketing, if you'll search CRL (C R Laurence Co) at http://tinyurl.com/4p2agyu you should find a suitable replacement. You can order or find a paper catalog at most any glass shop. They also sell urethane sealants. Good luck.
  7. There might be a few 'seniors' round here that will remember the folks in this tribute, Stay to the end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffa_f1JNSJM Enjoy. (And stay warm, forecast is 7 here tonight!)
  8. If it walks like a troll, talks like a troll, smells like a troll and posts like a troll, well,,,, Admittedly a little while ago to respond to now, but, Tom and Mark, enjoy your rving if in fact you do, in the meantime, please don't mind if the wife and I say Grace before meals at the next table.
  9. Poliglow has worked well for me on several boats, but it only lasts for a couple of years in my experience, that said, it may be a great option. And Herman, your close enough to me that you can wash/wax my coach anytime,,, Fred
  10. About 6" inches of snow at the house (30 mile No of Dallas) and 4-5" in town BUT it's 10:30AM and still snowing!!! The extended forecast for the next 5 days is not promising for any serious thawing. The Rio Grande Valley doesn't need anymore freezing WX, the fruit prices are high enough and the farmers take it on the chin! Herman, if the roads ever clear we'll get together somewhere along Hwy380,,, Fred
  11. Hope none of ya are in town for the Super Bowl. It is really a cold, frozen mess here in the DFW area! As an aside, the cabbies are on strike. The DFW airport board started a new practice allowing CNG powered cabs to go to the front of all the lines; Of course, the 90% cabs who aren't became understandably upset! While the coach is winterized, I still put a small ceramic heater inside with all the cabinet doors open. Forecast is for 9 degrees tonight ... BRRRRR.
  12. I'm jealous Gary, for now at least,,, We're fortunate in that within 200 miles there are numerous "local" areas to be explored and enjoyed. Here's another way to look at it, our boat with 400 gal diesel capacity averages 1 nmpg per gallon. Half the speed, half the distance and we can still enjoy wilthout worrying about the fuel cost.
  13. Sorry I didn't clarify. We only buff and wax the outer perimeter (Approx 18" each side) of the roof. we have a full fiberglass roof and the center section is textured so as to help against sliding or sliping. Obviously one wouldn't wax that. I would think 'rain gutters' could be fitted also if the problem continued to be a nuisance. Fred
  14. OK Herman, should I take the Rum out of the coach also, would it spoil? Nevermind, will drink it so as to avoid that problem Good advice on the fuel for the gas rigs. For diesel might consider adding Pri-D or other C-tane additive.
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