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  • Birthday 12/07/1944

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  1. This is in response to Thomas Felch tech topics article in the December FMC magazine. I know this problem has been talked about before, but I will give my experiences with it. The Trombeta battery boost solenoid has more than on purpose. It can be activated by a swich on the dash to start the engine in case the engine battery voltage is too low to start the engine. I have even used it to start the generator when my house batteries were down. The other purpose is to maintain a charge in all the batteries. When the engine is running, not connected to shore power it will pull in to charge the house batteries. If you are plugged into shore power it will pull in to charge the engine battery. This is controlled by the BATTERY MAINTAINER (ISOLATOR RELAY) Mine is located in the front driver side compartment. I have found that when the boost relay was hot it was on all the time because the contacts in the relay were corroded. I found that out by checking the voltage on both hot lugs on the relay while it was pulled in. The voltage was different, that told me that the problem was inside the relay. I took the relay out and did a little surgery on it. I cleaned the contacts, reassembled it and a year later I had the same proglem so I installed a new one. A year later the same problem. Then I read an article on this Forum learned of another relay with different metal contacts. I purchased one these and it's been working fine ever since. While it's pulled in it's hot (normal). When the batteries are all charged up it drops out and is cool. The model I got is a Trombetta 114-1211-020. I think the old one was 114-1211-010, just one number different. I have a 09 Monaco Diplomat, the Holiday Rambler may have the same set up.
  2. OK Tom, So I won't have to tell you which way you hit the golf ball. I used to fool you a bit (lost ball, out of bounds) so I could beat your score.
  3. Not only great weather, but great people. Thanks to all the people that make this type of activity possible.
  4. Thanks Moonwink, I will be installing the base plate in a couple of weeks and will see if my shield will fit. If not I will consider the protect a tow. Bill
  5. Now, you guys have me scared. I've been towing a Jeep Grand Cherokee for about 10yr using the Roadmaster Shield and have not had any damage. I have not travelled a lot on gravel roads however. But now, I bought a new Jeep and I don't thing I can adapt the Shield to this base plate, so I'm considering the full cover from Coastline or the Protect A Tow. Also known as the Blue Ox Underskirt. I'm leaning toward the full cover and hope it doesn't cause too much chaffing on the paint. Wha da ya tink. Bill
  6. Thanks Larry, I'll keep that in mind. The one I put in cost more that double the price you quoted, and I think it is in the Bear Family. I have a spare right now, so I'll keep an eye it. Bill
  7. I'll take that under consideration. I am aware that I won't reach operating temp, but I thought would still be better to circulate the oil in the engine and transmission once in while. Bill
  8. I'm talking not about the disconnect switch, but the contactor that is supposed keep the house batteries charged while driving and also keep the chassis batteries charged while on shore power. It's the same contactor that connects the house batteries to the chassis for emergency starting with the Batter Boost switch on the dash. I have a 2009 Monaco coach and while wintering Texas this year, I discovered that my chassis batteries were down to where they wouldn't start the engine. I always start my engine about once a month while parked. I then tried the Battery Boost switch and still nothing. I started investigating the cause and found I could hear the solenoid snap in loud and clear. After scratching my head for while and thinking this a new coach only a little over a year old, that contactor should be good. Wrong!!! I tested for current on the out going lead while the contactor was made and had nothing. I then removed the contactor and went an purchased a new one, installed it and it worked fine. Curiosity got the best of me, so I drilled out the rivets disassembled it to see what's inside. I thought the contacts might be burned, but they were fine but coated with a layer of corrosion. This contactor is located in the battery compartment and there no corrosion on any of terminals outside the contactor and I try to keep the compartment clean. How that battery gas can get into the contactor is a puzzle. I cleaned up the contacts and reassembled the contactor and now keep it for a spare. I owned an 05 Monaco with the same set up, and had a similar problem, but I never investigated it so I assume the same thing. I also talked with a friend while I was working on the contactor, he commented he has the same problem. He also owns a late model Monaco. My solution to prevent this from happening again is move the contactor out of the Battery compartment into the compartment next to it and extend the cables as needed. Any other Monaco owners out there with the same problem??
  9. Remember, all those braking systems only apply braking to the rear wheels. Only the foot brake applies braking to all wheels. Bill
  10. To bad you lost your soup, it could have happend while someone was standing in front of the stove. This same thing happend to us. Laura had a pot boiling on the stove one wrong move and the corian cover fell and knocked the hot pot over much the same as yours. I happend to be close by a saw the cover start to fall, I grabbed laura by the waste pulled her out of the way to avoid getting burned. No more propping stove tops behind the stove!!!!!!!!! Bill
  11. Your article is very interesting. We've never spent much time in the Deserts, just the thought of it sounds hot hot hot. I'm sure in the winter months is much more comfortable. We'll have to try it one of these days. We not much for hiking, how about 4 wheeling trails? But I'm wondering when using Cactus in the plural, is Cactai, Cactuses or just Cactus???????????? : I tried to add a smiley face, but they were bashfull and wouldn't show there faces. Bill


  13. My take on running the frig on the road. If the frig is cold when you leave you home or campsite, it will stay cold for a long time before needing to run again, unless you open and close if frequently. We used to run the genset for an hour and then an hour off, that seemed to keep the frig cold enouigh for frig. Lately howver, we have been leaving the gas on or using our build in inverter. Bill
  14. We bought a new Monaco Diplomat a little over a year ago. Can't leave this as is. The new coach had two couches, and we decided one was enough. We were accustomed to having a recliner and also a computer table. On the street side was a 7-foot couch with a full-size air matress hide-a-bed. The other side was a 7-foot J Bed. There was not enough room on the passenger side slide to install a chair and desk, so I removed the J bed to my four-season room. I then moved the hide-a-bed to the passenger side. On removing the J bed I, discovered there was a heat register at the end directed under the J bed. I'm sure that put out a lot of heat. Poor design by someone at Monaco. When I installed the hide-a-bed, I left it 3.5 inches away from the wall to allow air flow behind and along the wall. I also installed a 3.5-inch by 5-foot shelf on the back of the couch, a good place for long thin stuff. I built a corner computer desk out of 3/4' mohagany plywood and stained it to match our existing cherry wood interior. Gunstock stain matched perfectly. I built three small cubicles under the desk on either side of the center where I place my printer. I then installed a matching leather recliner and foot stool. The foot stool can be used as a chair for the desk, or I simply place the laptop computer on my lap. (What an Idea!)
  15. Brett we just got home and check the inverter/charger. It is a Magnum ME 2012 it is a modified sine wave unit. Something else we discovered, we have a digital clock in the bedroom and when inverting, it will gallop along twice as fast as it should. Time really goes fast. Thanks for you response. Bill
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