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Posts posted by hermanmullins

  1. Nav1, Now is the time for your spouse to start a Travel Journal. You can record all of your trips and adventures. My DW has one from the very first time we got into the coach to bring it home. After many trips it is a good reference to refer back to when you need to find that great RV Park and to bypass those bad ones. Our journal is over 200 typed pages and still growing.

    Have fun, enjoy and don't be a stranger.


  2. But it was suppose to drop it's nose slide across then pull it's self across. 

    I think it may of had some merit but it was rushed to finish. Who would have put on slicks to traverse snow and Ice, duh. 

    Maybe some day with all this Global Warning, we may look up and see a chunk of ice floating into Galveston Bay with it on it. :rolleyes:


  3. William, Welcome to the Forum.

    I just had one of mine replaced. Had the cylinder on order from HWH for over 5 months. When it finally got in and they installed it I found out out later that they got the wrong cylinder from HWH.I gave them two weeks to get a replacement in or they would install the old cylinder that I had rebuilt and they would refund my money I had paid for the new, wrong cylinder.

    From what I could see it isn't too hard to change. The hydraulic lines are both at the end in the Bay and is mounted at both ends. I think is comes out from the end inside of the bay. I am sorry I can't be of much more help but I had the work done at an RV Shop.


  4. Don't know if it helps, but in our Monaco there is a fuse panel in a cabinet in the rear next to the closet. Strange place for one.

    You have already done one of the things I would have suggested, disconnect the batteries (all of them house and chassis) for several minutes then reconnect them possibly resetting the computers.


  5. If any member has an issue with contacting any one with FMCA please let me know. If you will send me a PM with your name, contact information and what your issue is, I will make sure the correct person contacts you.

    We have some of the nicest hard working people you can find in FMCA. However FMCA, like so many others, is short of staff and is trying to find folks to fill vacancies. Please be patient and contact me and I will help. 

    Herman Mullins

    FMCA Monitor

  6. Yes Paul, that would be you best option. It appear that your spring either broke or slipped in the tube. Roll it up and secure it as best as you can when you have retracted the slide and don't put the slide out till you have it repaired.

    Sorry about your problem but thank goodness your are not stranded.

    Good Luck,


  7. 3 hours ago, wildebill308 said:

     I can only imagine the odder problems. :o


    That was what the bucket of lime and a small scoop was for. To sprinkle a bit of lime over your deposit. It help some with the odder. 😝

    A bit off topic. We were at a Rally and had a really greenhorn there. He said " When showering this morning I had water standing in the shower" someone committed " You needed to dump". Where the greenhorn said "I need to do what???":lol::lol:


  8. FMCA went out and got a MiFi program that was great. People were coming out from of the woodwork to join FMCA just for the Tech Connect. The Sprint program was next to none. Yes there were glitches now and then but each was worked out. When T-Mobile purchased Sprint, T-Mobile said that they would have never agreed to such a program however they would Honor what was written. However they did implement some of their own restrictions which FMCA had no control over.  For the most part the program works well and many are pleased with it, myself included.

    We joined FMCA for the friend we have met, Rallies, and so many other intangible things. We now have great friends all over the US and Canada we would not have had if it weren't for FMCA. All that being said if you joined for only the Tech Connect program, you can cancel it at any time (there is no contract). Just call 513-474-3622 and ask for the person that handles Tech Connect.

    FMCA is a great Origination and is a lot more than MiFi.

    Herman Mullins

    Forum Monitor

    NAVP South Central Area

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