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About jg053047

  • Birthday 05/30/1947

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  1. My experience with the ABS lamp lite indicated a malfunction of the anti lock brakes.soooo if you are into a panic type stopping situation your brakes won't assist you with the pulsing action on a panic type apply. You will have to take it to a repair center to access what ever code is being set and deal with it accordingly. The good news is that it will not be a factor while driving unless you do find yourself in a panic brake apply situation. Ours came on a few years back and ended up being the right side front wheel speed sensor. $170. Bucks later we are good. Hope this will help!
  2. We used US-2 most of the way and found it very beautiful. And since that trip we use the US highway system as often as doable. Take it slow and enjoy this beautiful country...
  3. On the subject of traveling through downtown Atlanta,one post indicated they use the hov Lane in their coach pulling a toad. I have never been clear on if that OK or not. Does anyone know the answer to that assuming you have a passenger along?
  4. I also had this problem after purchasing our Eagle. It had sat for years and I am sure the previous owner neglected to properly care for the ice maker. If in fact you do end up finding the ice maker is the culprit be sure to remove all the left over water when not in use.the ice tray had some disgusting looking flaky crusty stuff inside the tray. Good luck on your find.
  5. From our experience last year when we were there it seemed to be hit & miss. There aren't many big box stores. In fact there aren't many retailers anywhere. Country is beautiful but beware of the road conditions. I suffered an engine loss on our DP on our way back from Alaska near Watson Lake YK and took us a month to change it out. If nothing else take an extra air cleaner with you. We had to be towed back to Whitehorse after sitting in a camp ground for four days trying to search out a flat bed to take us to Parker Inland Kenworth where they performed an engine swap. I would recommend going up there on a cruise and save yourself 30k in repairs or fly to Whitehorse and rent a camper and save all the irreversible damage to your coach and marriage. Good Luck!!! Or get in touch and I will fill your ears
  6. I also have the TST 507 flow through system and like Wayne said there support is great. I think though they could improve on the part of the sensor that depresses the valve stem on the tire. After removing the sensors from my toad a couple of times they had difficulty sealing on the valve stem. Again the company replaced them for me. System works great I have had the system for 4 years.
  7. I agree with Rich. My engine was getting noisy at the top end at idle and after adjusting the valves the noise is gone and it seems have improved the overall performance. The hardest thing to do whole performing this task was not being able to access the plug to rotate the crankshaft. I had to remove the starter and rotate the flywheel with a pry bar to open the proper valve sequence during the procedure. To do again I would probably have had it done by a good shop. Jim G
  8. Hi and welcome to the club. I also have this engine in a 2000 model American Eagle and it has been a fine operating machine. I have though adjusted the valve lash after 36,000 miles and that made a big difference in the overall noise level from the upper end. I found they were out of adjustment in excess of 4 to 5 thousandth on most of the intake and exhaust valves. My mileage on average is 8.2 mpg at 1500 rpm loaded pulling a Smart car. I would recommend this maintenance to the overall performance for the future. Good luck with your new adventure and travels. Jim G
  9. If your Tradition is the same as my Eagle I will tell there is a switching valve near the front area of your coach that is activated electronically through the controls inside that you are familiar with. I had to replace this master valve on a Tradition I had some years ago and that same valve is on my 2000 Eagle. It would not switch to level the coach all of a sudden after having issues somewhat the same as your describing. If you are anywhere near Spartan Chassis I would revisit them and retell your symptom. But get there attention and make them listen.they have a pretty good reputation for service so I hear. I also encourage you to look into joining a chapter of ACC or A.CA and get connected to the ACA yahoo group forum to discuss your issues. You will get answers specific to you Tradition from lots of members. They have bailed me out of lots over the years. Welcome to FMCA this is a great community of fellow RVers Jim G
  10. We traveled with a small group last year with a lead guide that has made the trip several times in the past and was assured that the roads were better there than in the lower 48. Well I'm here to tell you that's not true at all. I had the front fiberglass protection as well as a windshield cover. You cannot imagine how much damage we incurred from all the gravel and stones that found there way into places you wouldn't think possible. To make matters worse the Cummins diesel engine in our coach was destroyed do to what is labeled dusting, caused by the air cleaner collapsed from all the dirt from the construction. Mind you this this air cleaner was new just prior to departure. After being stranded in WhitehorseYT for almost a month waiting for the new engine we were given a lot of advise to pass on to those going through to fly to Whitehorse and rent an RV then return home and save yourself about $30k. While we were there, we met a lot of folks from around the country in similar circumstances. The Parker Kenworth dealer informed me they have on average 30 major break downs per season. At the least take an extra air filter and replace it before returning toward home. We were on our way back when all this happened. Also be advised that you will have stone chip behind the front and rear tires of you coach. The total experience was not worth it. To do over I wouldn't go beyond Jasper then go to Alaska on a cruise. They take you to all the nice places you will want to see. That's my $30,000 worth!
  11. We stay at the Royal Coachman Resort just south of Sarasota in the area of Venice, Fl and have been coming here since 2010 Be careful this place is infectious and will pull you in! Lots to be involved in if you choose. Lovely fellow campers from all over have been coming here for decades. We stumbled here on our way to Naples and have been coming back every year since for the winter. Hope it helps.
  12. I'm with Ray & Hana with heavy precaution! We traveled to AK 2014 with our diesel pusher and lost the engine do to what was diagnosed as "dusted the engine". This occurred in the Yukon 200 miles south of Whitehorse on our way home to the mid West. We also lost the windshield do to the rocks being thrown up from the chip seal road beds. We did have a shield protecting the car but his suggestion of a protective cover is vital if you care for your tow vehicle. After being at Inland Kenworth of Whitehorse for 3 weeks waiting for the new engine to arrive we were told of all the horror stories that happen to coaches year after year. They also made a recommendation to fly into Whitehorse and rent a motor home then drive to AK. I wish someone would have given me that advice Pryor to our misfortune. If do do however decide to drive there I would go it alone and take my time. Carry extra air filter and change it along the way. Lot cheaper than my $28k mishap. Good luck!!
  13. I got mine through fireplaces direct back four years ago and installed it. They really put out the heat and are an attractive addition to the interior. However they can be operated without the heat option if desired.
  14. We have also been towing a 2010 Cabrolet behind our American Eagle for four years. We have the Blue Ox system, no auxiliary brake and I do have a simple battery disconnect mounted under dash with a removable plastic key bought at Advanced Auto Parts. I do bungy the steering wheel through the lower spokes to 2 I bolts I drilled into the lower portion of the drivers seat frame We have logged over 40K miles driven and only showing 22K on the odometer. There is a restarting procedure to reboot the computer control (very simply rest your foot on the brake until the clicking stops and start). We even towed it to Alaska this summer but I don't recommend it. The road conditions are rough on the Alcan highway.
  15. Hi Mike My wife and I winter just south of Sarasota Fl. at a place called RCR ( Royal Coachman Resort) we love all the activities in the park and friendly staff. The whole area in under a canopy of mature pines and live oaks. Check out the web site. It's located in Nokomis Fl. And two miles from the beach. They offer seasonal rates.not cheap but what is in the winter? Jim
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