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About ronandsue74

  • Birthday 07/22/1947

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    Plano TX
  • Interests
    Hiking, Biking, Skiing, Woodworking, Fishing

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  1. I need the air bag part number for a Nuway front suspension IFS-114CCD. This is for a 2005 Country Coach Inspire 330 36'. Thank you, CCRider
  2. My Saur Danfoss fan controller has been erratic and non operational for most of the time I have owned my 2005 Country Coach. A few years ago I began to develop an option to the Saur Danfoss controller. The Saur Danfoss controller gets it input from my ECM (electronic control module). It then controls the fan speed by regulating voltage to a electro magnetic valve. I concluded that if I could control the voltage going to the magnetically controlled valve I would be able to set my fan speed to an optimal highway rpm. I have been using the attached setup for the last three years with great success. I would like to share my relatively simple and inexpensive solution with those who may be experiencing problems with their Saur Danfoss controller. CC Rider
  3. It's the 30 amp shore power that was tripping. When I disconnected the shore power cord and fired up the generator it shut down as well. This told me that it was not a shore power issue. RJ
  4. Zantrex technical help walked me through the diagnostic process to determine the problem. The conclusion was that one or more of the inverter relays was sticking. I have ordered new relays from Master Electronics. I have desoldered and removed the old relays from the circuit board, ready to install the new relays. I will write the results/success (I hope) of this repair next week when I reinstall the inverter. RJ 2005 CC Inspire #51264
  5. It's a 50 amp coach. My power management panel shows that I'm pulling just 2 amps. I still pop the circuit breaker when I turn on the inverter.
  6. My unit only has one output with only one 25 amp breaker, pic attached.
  7. It's a 30 amp circuit I've been using for years where I park my coach. I hooked it up to my neighbors 30 amp and got the same result. If I don't power up my inverter I don't tip the circuit breaker.
  8. My Zantrex 458 inverter trips my shore power breaker when I power it up. When I turn the inverter off at the breaker sub panel everything seems to work fine. HELP PLEASE! CCRider 2005 CC Inspire #51264
  9. I appreciate the input. I drained the reservoir and replaced the three Nelson hydraulic fluid filters in December 2017 and filled it with fresh fluid. Brett, please give me your opinion regarding the air conditioner fan control actuator. Where is it most likely located and how do I test it. jleamont, In 2014 when I was having the overheating problem I had the controller reprogramed from variable to on/off and that resolved the problem. This was recommended by Sauer Danfoss.
  10. During my recent trip to Florida I noticed that my engine cooling fan was not consistent. When it's working properly, the fan will go to high speed at 206F degrees and cut back to low speed at 182F. During this trip the fan would switch to high speed and remain on high keeping the engine temp at 177-179 degrees. Then for no apparent reason it would go back to operating normally. I was not able to determine any consistency to this erratic behavior. The fan might run on high for an hour or two then suddenly start working normally again. Turning the engine off and restarting didn't seem to make any difference. I have hard wired the Sauer Danfoss controller and checked all connections that I thought might be the problem. It is my understanding that my air conditioner has the ability to turn my fan on high when my evapertator needs more cooling. I would like to investigate this but I don't know how. Any advice on how I can check this out would be appreciated. The coach is a 2005 Country Coach Inspire 330 with a Cat C-9 Engine. My fan controller is a Sauer-Danfoss 1090385 S/N:1215877. This is the three pin controller that gets its input directly from my ECM. It does not have sensors like some of the Danfoss controllers have. Due to the inconsistency of the problem I'm thinking it's not the solid state controller itself but its getting erratic input or perhaps something else I'm not thinking of. Thank you, CCRider
  11. Brett, It's hard to tell, However, I think it's coming from the area where the tanks bolt onto the main core. RJ
  12. Richard, My coolant was changed and flushed five years ago to Peak Final Charge ELC coolant. Then in 2017 I drained and replaced with new Peak ELC coolant, so I think I have that area covered. Brett, The very few bolts that I have been able to get to I have tightened a little. But, no more than I can get to hasn't made any difference. Rich, I live in North Texas, Dallas area, so corrosion is not an issue for me. I never go to snow country in winter, spend little time along coastal areas and always rinse my radiator off when washing the coach. I appreciate all advise given. I have a Viking protection plan. I'm taking it in to National Indoor (Lewisville TX) tomorrow. I'm assuming they will pressure check the radiator and work with Viking for the most economical repair. It is a copper radiator with bolt on side tanks. I guess if they say it can be repaired it will be their call not mine. I'm going to have them pressure check mu CAC as well as I believe they will have to remove it to get to my radiator anyway. CC Rider #51264
  13. Shortly after I purchased my 2005 Inspire in 2011 the original radiator started leaking, not a big surprise right! So, I had it replaced in 2012 with a new copper & steel bolt on tank unit that I purchased through Country Coach. I believe they got it from Radiator Supply House in Oregon. All has gone well until last week. After a short less than 200 mile trip I noticed a substantial puddle of coolant under my radiator. Upon close inspection it appears as though the leak is coming from the radiator. All hoses & clamps are dry & tight. So assuming I need ANOTHER new radiator I don't know whether to go with another copper & steel unit or an all aluminum one. Advise & opinions are welcome. CC Rider #51264
  14. FYI I just received my SECOND Norcold check $307.52 CCRider 2005 CC Inspire #51264
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