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About cwschnepf

  • Birthday 12/19/1942

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kingston, Tn
  • Interests
    Wood working and carving. Becky love is spending time with her mule( Doo-Dah) and hooking rugs with narrow strips of wool.
  • I travel
    With Pets
    Full-time in my motorhome

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  1. All this because of my typo error. So sorry. It should have been Cabot's fence cleaner, It's sparkling white and smooth as new.
  2. After alot of input I now have a clean roof. Thanks to all of you who posted info for me to try. I found Cacot's fence cleaner performed the best with the least work. I tried six different cleaners on my last trip to clean. I hope I don't let it get that dirty again.
  3. I am cleaning my coach and the top is like orange peel paint. It also looks soiled in the pit likes. Can tree sap or mildew/mold eat the finish? What can I clean it with? I have tried scrub brushes and RV cleaners and pressure washer at 100#. I feel like taking a floor scrubber to it.
  4. Ambyn, I have resolved my motor problem. Please see my post under electrical forum. You can do iy. cwschnepf@yahoo.com
  5. There are alot of factors that affect the temperature drop across a cooling coil. Humidity is the big one. Air fllow is critical and the sheet metal needs to be installed correct and use a sealant tape between the sheet metal joints. Being the refrigerant system has welded connectins I would not expect you to be low on refrigerant. Most coils are designed for a ten or twenty degree drop. The air coming off the condernsor should be twenty degrees above the ambient temperature. That is how old timers use to charge a system. Today charging requires a thermometer and pressure gage. Then you set it up by super heat. I would recommend a second repair shop. Some residential servicemen will service it for you. R.S.E.S. certifications are a good way to sort out serviice men. (Refrigeration Servce Engineers Society)
  6. We had a similar problem. My wife fixed it by hooking a short bungee cord from the oven door handle to a burner. I love cookies and could not stand to look at it so I found replacement hinges at Campers world. Oven works. I wasn't embarrassed trouble shooting it, and I get my cookies.
  7. I appear to have the problem resolved. The awning is 12 years old and the motor is not to be found. Tom's RV Parts in Fla had two look alikes that had been saved from awnings which were replaced. I did not get the actual part number. He has two listed on EBay. On my first call to Dometic I was told it is so old we don't have any documentation. (which means I don't want to get out of my chair) Today I called Dometic at 574-274-2311 and talked to a Janelle. She was very pleasant. She told me the part number on the motor is incorrect, gave me the new part number, and shipped it out today. Cost is $359.99 plus $25.00 shipping. Ebay was $155.00 plus $25.00 shipping. I hope this will help others. Also instructions (men don't need) come with the motor. I recommend you wait until you have the instructions in hand before starting on this project.
  8. Ambyn, I am in the same boat. The drive motor is on the front end of the awning tube. Your awning info should be on the inside of the tube near the motor. (mod,ser,etc) Inside the arm near there is a rubber connector with two wires. Unplug it and If you can measure 12 volts there when the switch is depressed and the 12 volt polarity reverses when the switch is depressed the other way it must be th motor. I find they cost ~ $155.00 and would expect the installation directions will come with it. I will order mine tomorrow and should have it in a few days and will post if this is all true. Chris in Kingston
  9. Thanks to all for all the advice. I had searched the internet but the new sites you recommended are what I was looking for. Thanks again and may I pass the help on.
  10. It is an A&E awning on a 2002 Allegro Bus. The model # is 716AN18.0018 Prod # 958303194 Ser # 14691958 11-26-01 This info was found on the inside of the the extended awning near the front. Well hidden for a novice to find. Thanks for any help. Update today there is two wires to the motor. There is 12 volts when the switch is depressed and the polarity reverses when the switch is rocked the other way.
  11. I have a '02 Bus with a fog light out (broken). When I ordered the size I ended up with a running light. I appreciate all the conversation you generated as it will help replace mine.
  12. My awning is down and won't go up. I have 12 Volts to the controller. Can anyone tell me what color wires go to the awning?? I desire a wiring print of this system in the worst way.
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