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  1. I have been using a 2012 Malibu for a tow vehicle for two years and never had a problem. Also the new Malibu is towable.
  2. I had a 2005 phaeton with a 350 Cat engine that had overheating problems. turned out to be the radiator was plugged with dirt.
  3. Have stayed at boot hill in Alamogordo and it is a very nice campground with friendly people. Bill
  4. Roberts truck center in Albuquerque works on motorhomes with no problem. bill w.
  5. A good place for Greek food is the Olympia café on central across from UNM. Also am from Chicago and have not found a good hot dog since a chicago couple closed there store.
  6. I purchased a 2013 Holiday Rambler Ambassador and also had a problem with water coming out of the lights and speakers in the drivers area. Now I'm having problems with the hydraulic lines leaking along with other problems. I agree I would never buy a Monaco product again.
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