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  1. Just this last weekend, we purchased a 2013 Edge SEL, FWD, 3.5L V-6. My dealer's service manager, whom I have known for 20 years, provided us with the latest dinghy towing data from Ford. We traded our 2009 Escape FWD Hybrid, that we've towed with a dolly system. We're looking forward to easier "four wheels down towing" with the Edge.The towing procedures are simple to follow. I have been in contact with other Edge owners at various rallies and they have not had any problems with their Edges.
  2. We have been towing our '09 Ford Escape FWD Hybrid, behind Thor Serrano 31X for the pass year, using a Forest River Tow Dolly. No problems what so ever! Sure, the setup in bad weather is a drag........but it works well, after one has a routine established and the preparation of you towing accessories are well organized.We purchased magnetic base towing lights along with a magnetic "Car in Tow" sign for the rear lift door. Everything works well and no problems. We are studying the feasibility of flat towing the our Escape Hybrid. However, through our research we found that many Escape owners have destroyed there transmissions. So for now, the safest way is to us the tow dolly.
  3. As new FMAC members, we are reseaching the towability of our 2009 Escape FWD Hybrid. We currently have been using a tow dolly by Forrest River.....no problems. However, the setup is time consuming and bad weather does not help matters. I spoke to a Ford Motor Company representative today, regarding flat towing our '09. The did provide some information....but not enough to my satisfaction. During a recent FMCA rally, we noticed Escape FWD Hybrids flat towed. I asked the owners....."did you have any problems while towing?" Their replies....."Not yet" or "None at all" If any one has any new related news or information, related to "flat towing your Escape Hybrid".....please posted.
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