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  1. Remove starter and bench tested it failed half the time replaced the starter all fine. Thanks for all the help guys.
  2. Yes to both Bill I hear a clicking sound from the back but not at the starter
  3. Have to turn key on and off about 20 times before engine cranks on my 2000 Discovery.
  4. nat58

    30 Amp Upgrade

    Thanks to all for answers. It is finish and working fine!
  5. nat58

    30 Amp Upgrade

    Thanks Rich I am an electrician by trade I was planing on doing it myself if I can find wiring diagrams thanks Nathan
  6. nat58

    30 Amp Upgrade

    I have a 2000 Fleetwood Discovery 36t. I would like to change from a 30 amp service to a 50. Any help would be great.
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