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Everything posted by JohnJill

  1. bobbkys The pictures do not do this park justice, it is nestled into the hills with a lot of oak trees. We had no problem getting in nor winding thru the parks roads to get to our spot 70ft pull thru.
  2. Thanks bobbyks Looks like we are going to try the KOA, it looks nice with good reviews plus its 3min from town. Happy New Year
  3. Looking for advise on Hot Springs AR, what Rv Park to stay in and attractions. Looking for a quick trip this weekend. Thanks John
  4. Thanks again everyone, Markstella I did get smart and thought of your idea before I read your posting and yes its the only way to do it. I used the Purple Degreaser and it worked OK but will try the Simple Green when I do round two Casuall454. We took it to Beavers Creek over the weekend and evidently I am radiator clean cuz the temp never went over 190 LOL.
  5. Thanks again for the advise the dealer said there was quite a bit of blow back and grim on the inside and not much air movement coming out. We have just bought this coach and have not got my maintenance schedule down yet. But I have something new for my list.
  6. Well I got great advise on my first post so here I am again. Our coach has a over heating problem, the freightliner dealer has told me its a dirty radiator on the motor side. Is this something that I can do or is it best to have the shop take care of it.
  7. Wow I appreciate all the advise and for Mr Mullins it has been a while its John Swanner
  8. Thank You Sir It is a trac vision in motion L2/S2
  9. Yes, need some advise on where to go to get a trac vision replacement dome, the one that was put on is white and the wife says its time to go. Looking for a black one. If not can these be painted.
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