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  1. Mine has stopped cooling all together. It's in a 2000 Rexhall RoseAir diesel pusher. I have moved the thermostat and that didn't help. It's getting fuel, the burner is burning and it still not cooling. When connected to shore power it won't cool either. The lights above the unit are on but (No body home) It won't cool either. Anyone have any suggestions? H E L P! BTW, We are in middle TN at 25 foot elevation.
  2. Hello, I recently moved from California because taxes were way too expensive! The answer to your question is yes, housecar and Motorhome are the same thing. Im surprised that a B license is needed. I have a 36' class A diesel pusher with air brakes. I never needed any additional endorsements. Check into it. You might not need anything different then what you have.
  3. Has anyone changed/upgraded the Duo Therm Comfort Control Center 4 button unit to the 5 button unit? If so is the conversion a simple remove and replace? I am having similar problems as others with the pressing of the fan/mode buttons at the same time.
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