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About aztec7fan

  • Birthday 11/03/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Westminster, co
  • Interests
    Kit cars, model railroads, camping with my family.
  • I travel
    With children

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  1. that's a good plan! is this something you already did, or plan to do?
  2. aztec7fan


    I have been lurking on the AIM group on Facebook, seeing if I have enough interest to join. Two drawbacks I see: 1) They hold alot of their rallys at locations that have strict "10 years or youger" coach rules. i have a 21 year old Dolphin, and wonder if there are some rallys i could not attend. 2) on their Facebook page, they had members openly expressing their political views. Makes me wonder if they really are "all inclusive". --chris.
  3. aztec7fan


    i too am a non-member forum contributer. last year, i looked into joining again since we were planning a long trip with my elderly parents in-law (and two adult sons). i thought the emergency medical coverage might be a good thing to have. after doing research, it looked like the FMCA plan only covers the RV owner and spouse. i went with the Good Sam plan instead which covered everyone. i am also only interested in a motorhome only club, and would be happy to renew my membership (even at $99.00), if this club changed back to what they originally stood for and dropped the dumb name change.
  4. my guess is there is a relay that gets tripped, possibly an over limit relay, and once the fuse gets removed and replaced, the relay resets.
  5. while traveling on I-10 near Pensecola FL, see if you have time to visit the Gulf Island National Seashore. its a beautiful beach and there is a campground right in the park, walking distance to the beach. Ft Pickens is cool to see too.
  6. Ace Hardware also has propane refill.
  7. have you taken the starter out and had it tested? rough guess, it sounds like it may need replacement.
  8. As far as trip planning, take the advice of the previous posters and plan each day in increments of 350 miles or less. this allows you time to have breakfast, get on the road for 2-3 hours, stop for lunch, drive for another 2-3 hours and arrive before dinner, in the daylight which allows for an easier setup. "visiting National Parks" can mean anything from just stopping in at the visitor center, watching a movie and leaving, to taking several hours to take a hike or a tour, or staying overnight in a campground. with your agressive itenerary, you may not have much time to sightsee in the parks, except for a quick visit. keep in mind, the campgrounds inside the NPs may not be able to accomodate a 40ft MCI coach due to size restrictions. Although there are a few online trip planning apps, i would suggest you get out a paper atlas, highlight your route, and then start writing out the itenerary, and where you plan on stopping each night. this is very useful in finding out if you need to stretch out a day, or if you can go farther than planned. we generally dont set up reservations at campgrounds, unless the area is a destination area, like Grand Canyon, or Orlando FL.
  9. what year, make,model of coach, and what model of jacks?
  10. We replaced the RV sleeper sofa in our 2003 Dolphin with a sleeper from a local furniture store.
  11. i had a similar experiance with CoachNet a few years ago. my motorhome was parked across the street from my house, and i found that one of my valve stem extenders leaked, causing a flat. the person they sent out was not equipped for larger vehicles. he had to borrow my lug nut socket, and use my levelers to raise the coach since his jack was too small. I have good sam now.
  12. As you may have seen, there is a plethora of savings cards opportunities for diesel travelers, but not so much for us gas coaches. I have some sucess with using the Upside app to save $$ on gas, and when traveling, i use Gasbuddy to find the cheapest gas in the area. I also save up my fuel points at King Soopers/Kroger, and usually get .50-.60 cents off my gas just before a trip. Maybe others may have other suggestions.
  13. Paul, i appreciate that you will be atrempting to revive this club, so here is a small suggestion to get you on your way: In the magazine, how many articles have there been recently on converted coaches? My guess would be little to none. why should you try to appeal to this small subset of RV owners? because there is a large number of social media influencers out there writing about "van life" and converting schoolies into tiny homes. You know what all those people need? advice, and parts. where can they get the advice? in the magazine. where can they get parts? from advertisers in your magazine. this is how FMCA got started, and this is one small piece of the puzzle to helping it grow. Chris G. f3508s
  14. I'm sorry to see FMCA struggling, but what was the reason for Chris leaving? was he expected to turn the organization around and failed, or what?
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