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Posts posted by aztec7fan

  1. What about putting together a Facebook page for kids of FMCA? This way, the kids who meet at the reunions can continue to communicate throughout the year, and possibly arrange meetings at local chapter rallies.

    It could be run/organized in part by the TATs president and other members, with support by FMCA.

    What do you think?

  2. I work for a company that restores homes after a fire. Many times these homes won't have heat for several months in the winter (Colorado).

    Our procedure is to have a plumber use compressed air to blow out the water in the hot and cold lines at all faucets, drain the water heater, and then use RV antifreeze in the toilet tanks, toilet bowls, washing machines, dishwashers, and all drains.

    This is kind of extreme, but you didn't say if they were going to leave the heat running or not.

    Chris g.

  3. I will agree, leadership should be in the 40-50 year old bracket and not the 60-85! I'm 71 and a Nat'l Director, our passed Director

    is 81. I would love to give this to a younger person....find me one! My pet peeve are those that in any organization, tell you what is

    wrong, but unwilling to volunteer their time and talent! That Bill, is the reason, we who run things are old!

    Carl C.

    Carl, I love FMCA and would love to be part of the leadership team, and i am currently 48 years old. The only problem is you would need to pay me so I can leave my job so I can still feed my wife and kids. I currently get 3 weeks of vacation and my budget is so tight, i can't afford to attend any of the national conventions. So I have to leave the decisions to you retired folks.

    Chris Guenther


  4. I thought this might be useful to some people...
    Many people have probably received an email from RVParkReviews.com asking that you check and verify your user name for that site. This is NOT SPAM.

    As an admin for RVParkReviews let me clarify this request. The current site software does not associate reviews of parks with a displayed individual's name (obviously, the system knows who submits each review). However, the new software platform we are migrating to next month will display a name for each review in much the same way that TripAdvisor does.

    Many RVPR's members used their real names when they signed up to join the site. Some took advantage of the ability to create a "display name" but many did not. This didn't matter if names weren't associated with reviews but it might bother some people to have their names publicly linked to some reviews they have posted, particularly unfavorable ones.

    The purpose of this email is to give members the chance to change the name that will be displayed. It does not require you to make a change; it only notifies you of the right to do so if you wish.

    Here's the link to the webpage where you can check your RVPR account settings: RVPR account settings:


    Chris Guenther
    Westminster, CO

  5. It is a very scenic route and although Berthoud pass is steep and curvy in places, you should have no problems navigating it. Just take it slow on the downgrade using any supplemental breaking system you have (engine brake), and downshift.

    My dad drove it almost weekly in his 35' gas Fitzjohn and had almost no problems. He taught skiing at winter park, and stayed up there while he taught. You won't encounter any snow, so don't let this scare you. One time on the way back to Denver, he hit a patch of ice and the motorhome ended up spinning 360 degrees before he could bring it under control.

    Chris g.
    Westminster, CO

  6. I like clear creek campground for boondocking:


    The fishing at the lake is great and the sites allow you to choose if you want to be on the trees and shaded (right next to the rive) or in the open for more Sun and satilight reception. Most sites have a fire ring and plenty of room to put out your awning.

    It's right between Leadville and Buena Vista.

  7. While traveling we usually let our boys play/text as they wish, and occasionally we will tell them to" look at this" while we are on the road.

    When parked, I let the age of our coach kind of limit the kids playing their Xbox and watching TV. We don't have a built in inverter, so there is no 110 power unless we are plugged in. Since we boondock about 50% of the time, on these nights, they need to find something else to entertain themselves like board games and books. When was the last time your kids/grandkids played Chinese checkers?

    I was just wondering how other people keep their kids/grandkids entertained when there are not sites to see and things to do when driving and parked.

  8. We use a Coleman griddle. It does not cover all three quite right, but two are good. It needs to be somewhat heavy, to evenly distribute the heat. Otherwise, it is really hot where the burners are underneath, and quite a bit cooler between them. The heavier the more even the top is heated.

    We also use the Coleman griddle that is designed for a two burner camp cooker. I guess another option for this person might be looking into changing the cookbook from 3 to 4 burners, then he could use two of these Coleman tops side by side.

  9. In the park, you can stay in Fishing Bridge campground which has full hookups, but I prefer Bridge Bay campground instead. The sites are not as close, you can have campfires there, and the ranger program is very enjoyable. The bison like to wander through that part of the park, and there is nothing like having a herd 10 feet from your coach.

    Some of the sites are not very level, but if you tell the Xanterra rep what you are driving, they will find you something to fit.

  10. Herman and Mr.Yeatts, thanks for noticing the f-number. I'm kind of proud to say that I have been an FMCA member, off and on since 1969. I hope at least one of my boys has caught the motorhome bug and will continue with their family, when they have one. They are ages 18 and 13, and they can hold off making me a grandfather for a few more years!

    As far as the Generations chapter, I did notice the article in the July issue, and I plan on contacting them.

    As far as the roadside assistance issue goes, an out of the box suggestion would be to check tech-Net. (Not related to Coach-net)


    I don't know if they would be able to meet our needs, but I have used their shop and towing service in the Denver area and it's sufficient. The their shop representative here is a fleet service center that works on cars, trucks, and vans for several large companies in the area. They know how to get small and large vehicles back on the road quickly and with reasonable cost.

    Chris g.

  11. I know that due to a conflict, FMCA severed its association with Coach-Net last year. There was some discussion about utilizing the Allstate. RV Roadhelp service in its place, but then there was a problem with this provider as well.

    Does Allstate currently have a relationship with FMCA to provide current members a discount? I looked all over the RV Roadhelp website, but didn't find any mention of FMCA.

    Chris G

  12. My pet peeve is people replying to posts that are several years, or months, old. This causes some of these outdated posts to show up on the FMCA front page. I wonder what the formula is for which posts show up on the front page? It is not hard to determine the last, or the original, post date. It does not seem to me to add any value by responding to an outdated post.

    I would like to respectfully disagree. I believe it's better to resurrect an old thread, rather than create a new one with the same topic. Much of the technical info will be useful for years to come. These motor homes are not going away as they age, they just change hands.

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