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    North Carolina

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  1. Replacing the carpet is the best Reno you can do
  2. Yes Erinee is correct this is another product that can be used. Polyurethanes are used in the manufacture of (nonflexible), high-resilience foam seating; rigid foam insulation panels; microcellular foam seals and gaskets; durable elastomeric wheels and tires (such as roller coaster, escalator and skateboard wheels); automotive suspension bushings; electrical potting compounds; high performance adhesives; surface coatings and surface sealants; synthetic fibers (e.g., Spandex); carpet underlay; hard-plastic parts (e.g., for electronic instruments); and hoses.
  3. We have been doing this for a while. You will need a moisture barrier or the floor will squeak or make a cracking noise.
  4. Hello check out our web site at www.flooritmotorcoach.com
  5. We have openings in North Carolina to do your flooring upgrades look us up on the web
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