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Everything posted by MikeCallery

  1. I just finished towing my 2011 Ford Explorer XLT from New Orleans up to Indy for the 500 race and back and would like to give you all a report since everyone has a concern. First, I am using a Blue Ox towbar which I have to say was relatively easy to install. I did it myself in right around four hours. My braking system is the low-end Brake Buddy because I rarely tow the vehicle. Anyway, I'm sure everyone has read the manual and I followed it explicitly. No mileage was accumulated. I DID have one major issue, however, the battery kept going dead. The key needs to be in the accessory position, per the manual, and in doing this, whenever I stopped, which was about every four hours, the battery would be dead. On most occasions I was able to jump-start the vehicle without a hitch however on one occasion it would not do a thing until I unplugged the battery positive (which has a quick-disconnect), waited about 30 seconds and plugged it back in. I am assuming that the key has to be put in place to allow the wheels to turn, however, I have to wonder if the vehicle, after that has been accomplished, really needs power? Aside from the brake buddy, there is nothing else that I am aware of that requires power and I could run the BB off the coach. Anyway, I have an email in to Ford asking them about all this and hope to have a call back shortly.
  2. At 72lbs, Zeke has simply not comprehended that he is a lap dog. I cannot sit on the couch very long without Zeke deciding that he wants to come up and join me. When I'm not on the couch, he's there looking outside, keeping a watchful eye on the RV and anyone who comes by the window! Zeke is a Giant Schnauzer! He keeps a watchful eye on our three miniatures, all who are less then 20lbs. He was born November 11, 2004. They are great, playful dogs but still have their protective nature, you'll know when you hear his bark!
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