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  1. Hi there. Running the Cat 300 with Allison Transmission.
  2. Well that reply just freaked me out...??? Resolve, no, but I do have a forward slobber tube that I am going to cap with a cut Gatorade bottle and clean the forward 'rad' before the trip.
  3. Awesome. Thanks for the reply. I drove up 50 towards Tahoe on July 2 when it was 95 out and it started to overheat just before Placerville. I had to pull over and let her cool off before reaching our destination. Really freaked me out so I am always watching the temp gauges. Still learning how to manage the engine and transmission for hills. Not just a set it and forget drive. Ian
  4. Hello everyone, 2005 38' Bounder Diesel pusher 300hp pulling 2007 Jeep Rubicon. I am a new owner of a Class A (April 2015) I will be traveling from Napa, CA down to Miami the week after the New Year and I am looking for a good and easy route. Google Maps takes us down 5 over the Gravevine then across on 10 for the long haul. I am concerned about climbing the Grapevine. Am I worrying too much? I have driven up it before but only in a car but I was wondering if there was an easier route around the 'bill' but then back down to 10 before Flagstaff. Any thoughts from the seasoned veterans? Thanks, Ian
  5. Hi folks. I was wondering if any of these 'softwares' have a driving time calculator. For example: in Microsoft Streets and Trips, you type in your destination and some other parameters like driving speed, amount of time driving per day, etc, it will pinpoint where you should stop for the night. I suppose one could calculate this out, but that software was so easy. Any ideas?
  6. Hello...I used to love the Microsoft product for one simple feature. You could plug in your starting and endpoints, how long you wanted to drive per day and it would tell you, and this is the important thing, where to stop or where approximately to stop after those 8 hours of driving. THAT is what I am looking for. My phone GPS will get me from A to B, but I would like to know that after 8 hours I should be at X location. Is there anything out there that will give me that since Streets and Trips is no longer out there? Thanks Ian
  7. Question. My Cat Bounder on the flats was registering 192 deg on the flats. Does that sound normal? I also believe my alarm goes off at 212. Doesn't seem like a great buffer. Thoughts? Ian
  8. Brett, Unfortunately I will not be there. Any chance you are able to digitize them and post or email? Ian
  9. Brett, My only thing was that I wasn't even sure if I was spraying what I was suppose to be spraying...I am guessing some form of 'wand' attachment will be beneficial in the future.
  10. So...took out the floor next to the bed to get at the CAC on my 2005 Bounder. Couldn't see a darn thing but the top of the engine. Replaced it and took out the floor in the closet. I could see the top of the fan but aside from pulling the fan and the cover, had a really hard time getting water, let alone simple green, in there. Not sure if I got any on the CAC at all but tell you what, my hands were greasy... Any suggestions on doing this better for the future? Signed Big Hands McGee. Ian
  11. Thanks to everyone for the replies. I naturally assumed that by buying a diesel pusher, the 'hills' would be a piece of cake. I didn't realize that there was an art to it. We are taking a very small trip this weekend that has no hills. I will pull apart the floor after I return. Footnote to what I pretty much going to find. I pulled off the brake light cover to change a burnt bulb yesterday. There was a beach behind. An inch of sand and general crud there. Can't wait to see the inside 'rad'. Again guys, thanks for the assist. Ian
  12. Thanks WILDBILL. I will do that next time. To me, higher revs or RPM equals hotter running so it freaked me out. Also, cleaned outside rad last night and it was a bit dirty. Also noticed my slober tube is uphill so I need to fix that (read somewhere that a gator aid bottle cut and zip tied also can fix blowback into rad ??). How do I get into the engine compartment from the coach to clean the inside rad?
  13. I'm a new owner and overheated on the Thursday before the July 4th weekend heading up 50 from Sacramento. Really freaked me out and had to baby it in. I own a 2005 Bounder Diesel pusher. It has the Cat engine and Alison tranny. I am taking it out this weekend however will check the rad and clean it as described MULTIPLE times. Seems like the golden ticket. Thanks everyone. Oh yea, new FMCA member as well. Ian
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