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  1. I’m sorry everyone. I have been sufficiently castigated and offer my sincere apologies. I understand your frustration and will endeavor to be more involved in the future. BTW, I now see the notify me of replies button. I will use it in the future.
  2. I looking to move up from my '05 Holiday Rambler Ambassador 40 PLQ. Looking for a used or new diesel pusher in the 36'-40' range. Must have lots of pass through basement storage and 10,000# towing capacity.From the few I have looked at I like the Thor Venetian M37 but seems it must have come out in 2016 as I don't find any older ones advertised. Other possibilities are Tiffin Phaeton, Forest River Berkshire, Fleetwood Discovery, Pace Arrow, Pace Arrow LXE. Any I have missed?Can anyone offer advice, especially about such issues as quality and reliability?Thanks,Ed
  3. neoflyer

    85 Octane?

    Chevy Vortec 5.3. I live near sea level. Am in Salt Lake City this week and filled up with the lowest price gas without noticing the octane. It was 85. Well, I hadn't planned using the fuel as I am towing it behind my motorhome and will probably have most of the fuel when I get to sea level again. Plan on doing most of my driving along the Oregon coast so it will probably be OK. Just wish I had noticed the octane.
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