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  1. I'm leaving the second week of June to head for Anchorage. I travel with a Bassett and might take my 7 yr old grandson. An y suggestions for must see attractions. I drive a 34' DP and tow a jeep. Thanks Jackie
  2. Well I've been stuck over the weekend with my L rear jack down reading anything I can to remedy this situation. My son-in-law called and said to reset the batteries which I did and the jack came up! Yeah!
  3. Yes it was topped off before trip of course level is down now as one jack is down.
  4. I have a 2013 Fleetwood DP with power gear leveler. Left rear jack won't retract and we are stuck . Any help would be appreciated. No service people have returned my calls. yes the fluid was full when the jacks were retracted. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.
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