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About jcbett

  • Birthday 02/21/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    DeWitt, MI
  • Interests
    Newly retired,..spent early years family camping with four boys (tent, popup, trailer, Georgie Boy Motorhome) and the last 30 years boating weekends and vacations in the Great Lakes. Still have Boat in Mackinaw City for summers and this Motorhome for winters. Looking forward to spending four or five months traveling when not on the boat. Wife is looking forward to it but hates the money we are spending to recondition this unit....oh well.
  • I travel
    With Pets

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  1. Thanks, just thought the numbers were low but will take advise and add a safety margin.
  2. Hello, need to see what the experts can help me with my New Tires. History: Had 255 70 22.5 tires Load H on and ran Fronts at 115 psi (10800lb rated, on 10.5 axel) and 110 psi Dual Rear (4775lb on 19K axel) New Tires 275 70 22.5 tires Load J, Chart show 95 psi (10800lbs on 10.5 axel) and 85 psi Dual Rear (19420lbs on 19K axel) My question is, with new load rating I can run lower pressure. The chart for the new tires start at 85 psi with a tire max of 130 psi. Will I run into a sidewall heating issue running a 130psi tire at 85psi? I know the load numbers work from THEIR cart, but 85psi is where they start. I would like to run a softer tire for the ride but need to feel safe. Looking for some help, what do you think.
  3. The switch is under the coach right at the tank valve, there is a light but you have to open the fill hatch to see it. I wish there was a switch inside. I did not think about the refrigerator. But should it be running on the chassis battery or the house?
  4. I am still learning this coach. While in the barn over about two weeks, the brand new chassis batteries went dead. Got out the external battery charger, had to take out batteries and recharge each one. Went to put them back in and when I touched the positive I heard a solenoid click. I did this several times and confirmed the solenoid was left on. A lot of other things were going on, blown fuse on the chassis charger that did not charge while plugged in, solar charger wires off, I did not known the propane switch was on, only indicator light is on the switch under the coach. My question is where should this switch be set up (chassis or house). I have searched through both house and chassis schematics and neither show the switch or valve. I think the house so that if I turned off the 12v system the valve would close. Heater goes off because the thermostat is 12v, I would not want stove on, would have to relight hot water heater. But would not be running down my starting battery. Will need to get under there and trace the wires from the relay.
  5. We were motorhomeing in the 80s with a 30amp requirement and we carried about a 100' of 30amp electrical cord. I would use an adapter at the source if needed. This coach has 50amp and about 30' of cord. Typical power source was one power source per cluster of 4-6 camp sites. First question: What is the typical distance to power source in campgrounds? Second: Carry 50amp extension cords (hard to coil and store) or step down to 30amp and complete the extra run? Understand that would not be able to run two air conditioners. Looking to know what recommendations for extra electrical and water lines to carry on board.
  6. I did read here about the trailing arm issue (here on this forum) and did verify the installation of the up dated system...it is there, in fact looks brand new with bags and shocks. Having new tires (using the Michelin FMCA Program, New alum wheels and alignment). Did not know about brake maintenance...Will add to the list at the shop tomorrow...that list just keeps getting longer.
  7. 2003 is the year...the spec sheet list air over hydraulic...it has an air system...I just did not know it was incorporated with a hydraulic system... I thought it was just air. Not seeing behind the wheels...do not know if drum or disc? Coach is at shop having Radiator, CAC, belts, hoses, regulators....fluids, move oil breather tube...Air brake line for the M&G brake system (this is when I found out it was Air over Hydraulic) Could I have disc brakes?
  8. I thought I had reg Air Brakes..but went to have a M&G brake system installed on tow vehicle and come to find out they are Air over Hydraulic. What is the difference...which is better?
  9. We have a 2003 Safari Cheetah 37 with a hitch that has 3 insert, one middle, one each side left and right, equal distance. I'm sure they had some type of lift installed. I have no information on the hitch. I am trying to find Information and the hitch rating for it. Unable to find anything on line, might be because I don't know what they call it. Let me know if you know what class hitch this is.
  10. Hey...some great ideas, I have enjoyed the forum area...getting a lot of great help..
  11. We have a very active Terrier that has locked us out of the truck (electric locks) enough times that my wife always carriers the extra set of keys. We just bought a DP with air brakes, the brake lock control is on a long arm rest like console along side the drivers seat. This is a wide flat console right next to a large window. She will be up there to see out the window as soon as we go outside. Need to protect the air brake control from accidentally being pushed down and releasing brakes. Please offer any ideas you might have.
  12. Brett, Thanks to your link to the Monaco Trailing arm issue. We just bought the 2003 Safari and the dealer did not share any information about the issue. We did not do any research ourselves (shame on us) but with your link, which had pictures, there was brand new trailing arms. The selling dealer must have just put them on and did not share the information, Yahoo. Just wanted to thank you for your help. Jim Blodgett 2003 Safari Cheetah
  13. Brett, Thanks for your information, will be my Saturday project. Jim Blodgett
  14. Need help to test the Battery Boost Combined Relay. We bought a used 2003 Safari Cheetha 37 DP. Have been repairing many of the systems and running down the circuits and which bank they are running on. Ran down the chassis bank several time by leaving the LP Valve on.(did not know it would be on the chassis battery) I was unable to jump start with the Battery Combine or Boost circuit. I think the relay might be burned out. Replaced both banks with new batteries but want to test the relay to see if it works. I have meter but don't know what should read what when. If someone might explain to me what steps to take, I would be grateful. Jim Blodgett 2003 37 Safari DP
  15. Brett, Thanks for your information, I like the idea to replace the tension arm. I viewed the video you offered and did not think of that. Again Thanks.
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