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  1. Hi Folks, While we have been members of the FMCA and owners of a coach for almost a year. We were new to full timing and lost our coach to fire on our first major trip. Happened on August 2016 in Marina CA and today is the 2nd September 2016.I would like to say the FMCA were a great help or enquirer as to what if anything they could do,but sadly that's not the case. I rang the emergency number and explained my husband had been driving hours already and would now be driving tired and I had a heart condition and has lost all my medication and my ID. Plus we were in shock as we had lost our pet to the fire. Couldnt find accommodations on our own due to some car show. I'm not sure if it's maned by volunteers or paid staff, but I got told oh it's after hours we only have one staff member to handle any emergencies. And that he had a number of emergencies to deal with. We never got a call that night or to date to even see how we were or what if anything they could do to help. IM less than impressed needless to say. And doubt that we will be renewing membership. if this wasn't an emergency I don't know what is. And emergencys happen after hours FMCA you need to correct the availability of staff accordingly. sad member Abdul and HaEl Ahmad
  2. Thanks for sharing this information ?
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