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Posts posted by dbenoit

  1. We will probably check out the "Graniteers" as well. Thanks fer da link Bill.

    Lucia and I have the unofficial "Hampton Beach Field Camp" group, but its only us.

    We are usually there every other weekend if we are not RVing on the road.

    Only requirement is a wine glass, empty or full. If it's empty we will fill it. If it is full we will toast.


  2. I went on top of the MH to straighten out the cover and I broke the rear master bath vent lid. Geez, I didn't even step on it. My boot touched the side

    and I heard it crack. I already ordered a couple of them. I'm glad that the price is as cheap as the material it is made of. At least it broke on the side and it shouldn't leak.

    Maybe the "cold" made it extra brittle. Now I have to go out there, at whatever the weather is to replace it. This is our 2nd breakage. Both were small change

  3. 18 hours ago, richard5933 said:

    That's okay. You guys in Texas get to enjoy for a few months now. Come summer time when you guys are stressing over having enough BTUs to stay cool we'll be sleeping comfortably with the windows open and the breeze blowing.

    But it is a dry heat........I spent 2 yrs at Ft Hood. I never B & C'd about the heat, just the crawly things.

  4. On 11/2/2018 at 10:15 AM, wayne77590 said:

    I spent the first 18 years of my life in Central Mass. It was an accident of birth. Left when I was 18 and only go back to visit and always in the summer time. Shovel all that snow back up to Eskimo land.

    With that said, it is 09:23 and 57˚ outside. Expected 79˚ today. Monday it will hit 80˚ then in the 70's the rest of the week. Lows will be in the 60's. Good night time sleeping.

    Sorry DB, couldn't resist.

    Oh, did I mention? I'm in Texas City, TX, down by Galveston, 40 miles South of Houston.

    Mention the Texas temp say in 2 months...lol

  5. All I got left to do is the cover, but it's been raining like forever.

    Those Texans...always mentioning the temp. there throughout our winter season.

    Still need to cover boat and put plow and chains on tractor.

    Geez, we still got green leafs on the trees in my area.Should already be bare.

    Also the deer are like crazy running around, they do it all the time just before hunting season, then poof.

  6. 4 hours ago, manholt said:

    RAYIN.  That's got to be a let down, for both of you?  Wish her speedy recovery! 

    DBenoit.  4 more winters?  Ouch!  Do you go Ice Fishing?


    Get well RAYIN's DW.

    Don't do ice fishing. Fell through when I was a kid (6), cousin grabbed me, yanked me out then stripped me because she read it

    in her girl scout book. So there I am balky bare on some pond shivering until someone got there with a blanket. The only ice I will do is "on the rocks"


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