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Everything posted by rcieslak67

  1. Yes, you can deduct the license cost on your tax return, but you only get a small portion of it back.
  2. What do other's do in this situation? Plus, Michigan roads literally suck so don't know where all of this tax money goes.
  3. Was trying to justify how Michigan can ask $1579.00 for an annual license fee for our Holiday Rambler. Plus, we are not in Michigan all year.
  4. I believe I was successful in winterizing the Aquahot. I talked to a tech expert at Aquahot Corp and he advised me that they recommend the propylene glycol antifreeze recommended for the cold and warm lines into and out of the Aquahot unit. He said as long as you have pink antifreeze coming out of the hot and cold drains you should be OK. It get's almost as cold as Wisconsin in Michigan and it is much cheaper to winterize the system until we leave for Florida for the winter. The other side of the Aquahot does get boiler fluid which as a different composition than either of the other antifreezes.
  5. Trying to winterize our 2009 Holiday Rambler Scepter today and was successful for all water lines with RV anti freeze running out of all faucets, hoses and drains for hot and cold side. Never had an Aqua Hot system before, I have a 450D system and am not too sure if or how this system has a drain on it to drain the hot water side of the coil. Anyone with suggestions or experience.
  6. I have grown very tired of dealing with where to store my Demco tow dolly so now I would like to flat tow a 2012 Focus, which I have been told is flat towable. My question since we have many RV's here that have towing experience. What is the best towing system, Blue OX, Roadmaster etc. Anyone care to make a recommendation.
  7. Picked up the coach last Monday and so far so good with the brake system. REV replaced the check valve.
  8. I talked again to REV service after I gave them the phone number for Demco who now own AirForce 1 air systems. After having their service technician describe the system to the AirForce 1 people it turns out it is an AirForce 1 system. So, we lost three weeks of fooling around of trying to determine who made the system.
  9. I just heard back from REV in Decatur, IN and they are saying this system installed on my Scepter is not an AirForce 1 system. That is why it has been so difficult to find who made it and or any parts.
  10. I will reply to my REV write up man on Monday about this type of air system, he was off on Friday and that is why no picture. There are not a lot of places to get a coach worked on in Michigan that I trust. I absolutely will not take anything to General RV as they are a large group of lying idiots.
  11. I have a 2009 43' Holiday Rambler Scepter tag axle and I tow an Escape on a Demco tow dolly. I have an Alison 3000 trans with a Cummins 425 h/p. I manage just about 9.5-10.0 mpg on the Scepter. I'm positive the Scepter does much better because the trans is geared differently that my Expedition was. At 60 mph, the Cummins is turning 1300 rpm vs. just about 2000+ for our Expedition. I traded a 2006 38' Fleetwood Expedition with a 300 h/p Caterpillar diesel. I managed 8.6 mpg towing the same configuration.
  12. Well, I tow an Escape on a Demco tow dolly and use the electrically operated dolly brakes which have worked great in 4 trips from Michigan to Florida. I forgot to mention that there is a air pressure line that ends at the immediate back of the motorhome, but I have never used it.
  13. Referring to a toad just what are we talking about, a trailer?
  14. We have a 2009 Holiday Rambler Scepter and it was purchased in November of 2017. I have had issues with surging brake air pressure, 70-110 psi. We have discovered an auxiliary air tank located in the rear area of the coach with multiple air lines, plus the check valve has failed and there is no identification anywhere that can be found on the tank. The coach is now located at the REV service facility in Decatur, Indiana. The issue we have found is they have never seen a system like this or who manufactures them. Does any one have any knowledge of this type of system as we are not even sure just what this system would be used for as it is not original to the coach. I'm going to ask REV to send me a picture and I will post it as soon as I can.
  15. I have a 2009 Holiday Rambler Scepter.
  16. I looked at the back of the tail lights and it looks like a sealed assembly, not sure I would have any access to the inside. I don't think the lens is made for prying off.
  17. Here is picture of fogged tail ligh.
  18. I believe it is on the inside of the lens.
  19. I have noticed that I have 2 fogged tail lights that are fogged from the inside. Does anyone have experience with this issue and what can be done.
  20. I was told this trans takes 5 gallons, seems like a lot.
  21. I have an appointment for February 28th to have this trans looked at and repaired as it is very difficult to get underneath this coach as the suspension is right there. I will report back as to what is found and how it is repaired. I ordered 2 gallons of the TranSynd tarns fluid from Amazon as they are the lowest priced. This Allison takes 5 gallons total full synthetic transmission fluid and at $13.50 a quart it gets pricey.
  22. This is a picture I was able to take a few minutes ago by crawling under the trans. As you can see trans is covered with oil and would seem to indicate it has been leaking for awhile.
  23. It is very difficult to crawl under our coach, I noticed the back of the trans is coated with oil and it is leaking from the back as far as I can tell. Will crawl under a try to take a picture of what I see. Hopefully it can be repaired without too much effort. The owners manual calls for TranSynd full synthetic transmission fluid. I will post a picture of the trans ASAP.
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