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  1. Steve, the 08 Endeavor had a recall on the brake arm where it wasn't "locked" properly. I was sent a tool that pressed the center pin in further to lock the arm to the hanger. That was the fix from the manufacturer of the brake arm mechanism. That was almost ten years ago, so I don't quite remember exactly what the mechanism that was affected looks like, but I believe the pin your looking at is the locking pin and has nothing to do with electrical.
  2. Eddie, ... Monaco (& HR) are now owned by Fleetwood and have several service centers located across the country. Service Centers As a little background, the Monaco and HR line of coaches has a history of slide leaks. They leak from the top through the corner seams and the water flows to the bottom through the inside of the wall. It will eventually pool enough to find a way out, so if the slide is in you'll see it on the floor. It can take DAYS for the water to migrate to the bottom. The slide needs to be inspected for floor rot, ... mine was found justin time and could be repaired. Even if you can't make it to a factory service center they might be able to steer you to a qualified repair facility closer to you. Bottom line ... It might not be your seals at all. If the water has found its way through your walls then you'll have a difficult time finding it with a water hose. Luck be with you!
  3. I had the very same issue and after several dealer visits AND a visit to Monaco (before they closed), and maybe $1200 of wasted labor cost I found the problem myself. Between 40 & 55 was the sweet spot for the loudest noise, but once it started it didn't stop until the coach did. Mine was a faulty wind sensor on the roof for the Colorado Awning. At speed it was spinning on its own and was screeching like crazy. As I slowed down to a stop the sound would diminish along with my speed to the point of being stopped and no sound. That particular sensor is VERY hard to find, and the cost is out of my range, so I upgraded my awning to the new motion sensor and all is well. BTW Garrard has a sensor, but it didn't work for me as it produces a different voltage at comparable RPM's. Good luck ...
  4. Park brake switch? Mine gave me fits with nothing but alarms when the switch started failing on me. No error codes. Every time I tried to shift, level the coach, almost anything to do with driver controls the alarm went off. A new park brake switch solved the problem for me.
  5. I have the 08 HR Endeavor, the twin to the Diplomat. Same relay, same temp situation, .. I've been told by dealer techs and the Monaco factory service in Coburg, OR the hot temp is normal. It's a bit unsettling but after 5 years it still works, .. and it's still hot. This comes up every so often on the Monaco bulletin boards, and all say it's normal, so we're not alone. I stopped worrying about it a long time ago.
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