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  1. I need idiot proof step by step instructions on how to ready our jeep for flat towing behind our Motorhome. I would like to then print it and have it put in plastic so I can follow the checklist. Thank you Terry
  2. Where and how do I use FMCA tire program? How do I find costs for tires and what is included with the cost? Terry
  3. You will love the Seattle area and Ft Lewis is to be admired. Take a tour if they have them and go to the museum. FL if the Army 75 Ranger Bat Hdqs. If you have time go to Pt Angeles across the sound on the Peninsula a very nice CG Salt Creek is there. Tell Arick I sent you. Make reservations it is very crowded to get in. Also, this time of year Coho are starting to return to Quilcene National Fish Hatchery Ron WOng is the manager and it is a wonder to see 1,000's of Cohon Salmon. Your son can get you on the Sub base at Bremerton. In all you will have a great time and the seafood is to fight for. There is a BBQ Rib place in Tacoma not far from Macy's that is or was very good. Terry Army Vet
  4. Replacing fuses solved problem now to find why fuses blow?
  5. Our 2000 Fleetwood Pace Arrow Vision does not charge house batteries with alt or generator. We determined, I think that the 30 amp fuses were bad and due to size of hands can not reach fuses. Is there a way to pull the controller unit forward to enable us to reach fuses?
  6. I'm in Columbus, Ohio and would like to get 4 corner weighing of our MH. Flying J has told me they can not do a 4 corner weigh. It seems nobody in Columbus or Central, Ohio is capable of a four corner weigh. I am unable to go to most FMCA major Rallies and that seems the only place to get the weight distribution weight calculated. Please advise me where in Central, Ohio to take our bus to be weighed at all 4 corners? Thanks
  7. We are going from Ohio to Grand Canyon to Hoover Dam would like to include 4 corners and maybe Salt Lake City. Would like to drive about 350 miles per day. Would like to stay in National Parks and COE's when possible. We will go from Salt Lake to Cheyenne most likely. Would like your experiences and knowledge where we should not miss and the local eateries that are not tourist traps. We are 35 ft long with toad behind gasser V10 Ford.
  8. One: List your name. Terry Two: List the branch of service you were in. Army, Army Reserve Three: List the amount of time you were in service to this country and when you were in service. 11 yrs 63-75 Four: List your rank while in service.. Sgt Five: List your job while in service (I think it was your MOS) Last was R 79 in this MOS system. Started as 111 or 11 b in this MOS system Six: List where you served Various places. I do not put personal items on internet
  9. Army and USAR Sgt Recruiter 11 years
  10. I had the cooling unit replaced in the MH and when I tried to get the LP gas to cool the refer it does not cool. What do I need to do to get the LP in the refer to ignite and cool the refer? Thanks
  11. Thanks for the help. It was slip rings needed cleaned.
  12. Thank you. Not sure I understand but I will go to a CAT and make a go of it. How do I get individual tires/axle weighed? Do I position once or make several adjustments to put a single tire on scale? Thanks again.
  13. I am in Columbus, Ohio and need to get our coach weighed. Where and how do I get it weighed? Do the scales workers know what needs to be weighed? What should it cost? Thanks
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