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Side Mirror Camera Removal

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We have a 2011 Winnebago Tour 42AD and the right side mirror camera is real cloudy. I would like to know how to remove the camera from the mirror and if it's possible to remove the lens cover and clean it or must I replace the whole camera. Thanks in advance.

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Mike, Welcome to the FMCA Forum !

By chance could you take 2 or 3 pictures of the Mirror and attach them to a post? 

Some have an access without removing the mirror.


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If you have a Velvac VMax III, which are pretty common for class A coaches, there are 2 screws holding the camera mount on the face of the mirror.  Remove those, and you can remove the cover piece.  The camera will come out with the cover.  Be careful to note the position of the camera (maybe mark it in the holder with a Sharpie) so you can position it in the right place when re-assembling it.  You have to get the camera cable tucked back in the right place to get the cover back on properly.


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Had the same problem & shop had to replace the unit...took 6 weeks.  The manufacturer, does not stock them, they make a new one as needed.  Some, not mine, come with a plastic cover.  The camera is mounted, in mine, by 2 hex nuts.  As far as I'm concerned, they are a distraction, because you can't see the vehicle you are passing, in your rear view camera until it re sets it's self...lag time! :angry:

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  On 12/3/2018 at 10:29 AM, manholt said:

 As far as I'm concerned, they are a distraction, because you can't see the vehicle you are passing, in your rear view camera until it re sets it's self...lag time! :angry:

I totally agree. I wish there was a way to disable the side cameras because I've always used the rear view to help when passing. The lag time is very distracting.

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  On 12/3/2018 at 3:02 PM, elkhartjim said:

I totally agree. I wish there was a way to disable the side cameras because I've always used the rear view to help when passing. The lag time is very distracting.

Hi Jim! Been a few days since we have had a Pow Wow !   Who's system do you have? 

The side view cameras use the turn signal wiring to trigger the cameras, disconnect the correct wire and they will not change. May systems have a setting that allows you to just select the rear view only.

The delay is built in so the side view stays on for a given time - even if the turn signal is turned off.  Try to solve one problem and create another !  LOL


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