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Some Medicare Supplement Programs, just like some Medicare Advantage programs are covered and they will reimburse you. You will need to log into the website and under benefits click on Grouper, which is the name of the company we are affiliated with. Their website will take you through the process to see if your Medicare supplement program is included. Only takes a few minutes to receive a answer. 

If yours is included, the current program is reimbursing $50 initially and then $20 per quarter as long as you provide them the requested information on your activities. 

Hope this helps. 

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 "Maybe the article should be directed ONLY to "advantage" plans".

The "article"you refer to is a letter to the editor and reflects the experiences of the person who wrote. He did note that his friend with the AARP supplement was reimbursed.

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From how I see it that is how Advantage plans work by giving you some advantages.  Advantages like:  over the counter medications, band-aids, etc.  I do not want to get off to another subject here. 

I want to know if any member here has a Medicare SUPPLEMENT that and has paid a portion or all of the membership dues here at Family Motor Coach Association or Family Recreational Vehicle Association? 

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Hopefully someone will answer you question. I still would suggest putting your information in to Grouper and getting their response. That is the only way you will know for sure. 

Save travels,


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On 1/25/2025 at 2:18 PM, palibs said:

You will need to log into the website and under benefits click on Grouper, which is the name of the company we are affiliated with.

I do NOT have an on-line health care supplement account.  I have no clue what grouper is.  I thought grouper was a bottom feeder fish.    I am lucky to find my way around here, navigating this website.


Thanks for trying to help.  My agent has never heard of reimbursements on supplement plans.  

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I sent an email to fmca@hellogrouper.com at the end of January.  Does anyone know if this mailbox still has personnel to reply to my question? 


The mail did not come back as undelivered. 

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FRVA received the following message from Grouper last week. 

For the immediate future, we'd like to ask that any communications about Grouper be postponed and any mention of the Grouper benefit on your website (likely in the Member Benefits? https://www.fmca.com/grouper) be removed until the new payment model is determined/approved.  We currently expect that this "pause" in communications will last only weeks, and we will keep you informed of our progress as things progress. 

We were not able to get any additional information and are not sure what this means for the future. 

We will post information on the FRVA website as it becomes available. 

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On 1/26/2025 at 7:51 PM, kev said:

I want to know if any member here has a Medicare SUPPLEMENT that and has paid a portion or all of the membership dues here at Family Motor Coach Association or Family Recreational Vehicle Association?

Still no one coming forward with their supplement insurance.  Hope to hear some othe members with "Supplemet for Medicare"  has been reimburesd sometime soon.  

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2 hours ago, kev said:

Still no one coming forward with their supplement insurance.  Hope to hear some othe members with "Supplemet for Medicare"  has been reimburesd sometime soon.  

Are you asking if there are any insurance companies that sell Medicare supplemental policies that will pay your FMCA dues? If thats your question then the answer is no. Some supplement policies cover some costs for memberships to health clubs. 

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Thanks elkhartjim for the reply.  I ask this because it was an article in the Family RV magazine. If I recall the article talked about supplements helping with dues to organizations that promote active life style.  

palibs,  A little over a month has passed, have you any update? 

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