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Solar Connection

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Does the Solar charging panel need to be disconnected when my MH is in RV barn? I plug it in and the Heart Inverter has a charging system. Before the had an RV Barn would leave it connected, but when I connected power to the Coach the house batteries would over flow (battery acid out the vents). I lowered the charging voltage to 20amps. and disconnect the Solar. Now I'm using the MH more so I reconnected the solar panel (not a big one, just a battery charging size) and yes I have a controller. Please correct me don't both of these have charging limiters? Now that I'm under roof with very little sun do I need to disconnect the Solar panel or just turn off the house power and let the batteries rest. Any good answers? Thanks Ross'

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Welcome to the FMCA Forum.

Indeed which ever charging system is set to the higher voltage will determine battery voltage (assuming you have enough light to drive the solar panels-- not likely an issue in a barn).

But, it is important on the Heart inverter/charger that it be properly programmed-- if it is it can be left powered up 24/7. Early models called it "setting the dip-switches". Later models were programmed from the Xantrex/Heart remote. Programming includes programming battery bank size (in amp-hrs), battery technology (wet cell, AGM or Gel), ambient temperature (A REALLY IMPORTANT ONE-- IF SET TO COLD TEMPERATURES IN REALLY HOT WEATHER, IT WILL OVERCHRAGE THE BATTERIES).

Another cause of battery boiling is a dead cell in the battery. In that case, the charger continues (as it should) to charge the remaining 10 VDC battery at 13+ VDC! That IS overcharging, but can't be blamed on the charging system.


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