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TakingThe Dog And Trying To Sightsee

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OK, so this may seem like a dumb question. It is great that campgrounds allow dogs. But you can't leave them unattended in your motorhome -- at least that's what the rules say. So, how do you go sightseeing or out to dinner if you decide to bring your dog who is traveling with you?

Just wondering. B)

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I asked my animal expert and she suggested that you choose a dog breed which is suitable for travel and not inclined to bark. She mentioned three web sites which can assist in choosing a dog breed and which also have information about each breeds inclination to barking as well as other habits. The three are Purina.com, AnimalPlanet.com and DogBreedInfo.com. Louise recommends the Animal Planet site as the most user friendly! She rates Dog Breed Info.com high for its list of negatives for each breed which should help you avoid properties that won't work for you. If you already have your dog, you have several other options.

We don't travel with dogs but have observed others who do. We do know people who leave their dogs in their motor home while they are gone for shopping trips or out for dinner. Whose rule is it that you can't leave the dog in the motor home? If you leave the air conditioner on in summer or the heat on in cool weather, I wouldn't think there would be a problem. I know that it is definitely prohibited in most parks to leave a dog tied up or caged outside the motor home when you are not with the dog. We had friends who left their husky mix in their motor home when they were gone for short day trips. We mentioned to them one time how cute it was that their dog would sleep on the dash while they were gone. They didn't realize that was what he was doing. He was just keeping a look-out for their return. We never heard him bark. If you do leave the dog in the motor home, you may want to leave it in a cage rather than free roaming. That would take care of the problem of barking at passing people or dogs.

Another alternative is to find someone to dog-sit. If you have a neighbor who would be willing to take care of your dog for a day, you could get away for some sightseeing, shopping or dinner. We have friends with a Bichon Frieze who have no problem at all finding someone to take care of Maggy for a day. If your dog is cute and easy to care for, this might work for you. We've been in parks where the owners children wash rigs, perhaps the owners children might be willing to care for a small dog during a day. Of course you could also inquire about a local kennel where you might drop off your dog for a period of time and then pick it up later in the day or the next day. We've been to two national parks, Carlsbad Caverns and Zion had air conditioned kennels to leave the dog (for a fee) while you tour. I'm sure that there are others.

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Guest Wayne77590

Good post Tom.

We also have a Husky mix. She is sweet, and she almost minds. She is not a barker. Some children were playing badminton in front of the MH on our last trip out. We were walking Miya and the grandfather started up a conversation with us. On our dash are 4 stuffed animals, and a space between them near the passenger seat. Miya will put her front paws up on the dash, but she doesn't get all the way up. The children told their grandfather that there was a big stuffed dog in the window of our motorhome. He told them that it wasn't stuffed, and he had to go back with the children to our motorhome and show them that she did in fact move. She didn't bark. Others have commented that when they walk by with their dogs she just watches them out the window. It's how we trained her. "No speak!" When in the MH. She loves people. We are still trying to get her to not jump up when one approaches, but she is just being friendly. However, when she is on the leash she doesn't like other dogs to come around us. That all happened when a Chiawawa (sp) that was not tethered came out and attack her. I had all I could do to hold her back from a meal. Ever since the - I tell people she does not like other animals. I can put her in a fenced in dog park and she'll play all day with other "big" animals.

We limit our day trips to six hours, although a dog really can go longer without a trip outside, and not soiling anything inside.

She's my baby.

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This is a really good question - we have run into this many times. Frequently, the RV parks have rules that state there is no leaving dogs unattended, period. We have 3 dogs - a small rottweiler, a chihuahua and a jack russell/chihuahua and the little ones tend toward barking. They are not easy to take sightseeing - as everyone knows most places they are not allowed and we're not going to leave them in a hot car.

We built up to leaving them alone slowly. All the dogs in the bedroom, door shut, the 2 little ones in their crates, and the blinds closed so the rottie doesn't get all crazy about being protective if someone walks by without us home. We started with just 15-20 minutes (we'd go for a walk) and extended to a meal out, and then a movie, and we've worked up to about 4 hours but we have to do it regularly or they forget to stay quiet and we start over. It's working. After being used to doing things with the dogs all the time, we have to remember to stay on top of getting out and keeping them used to being alone! This was actually our biggest challenge since as fulltimers, we are with them 24-7.

Some places have dogsitters available but it seems rare. We don't do things like all day rafting trips because of the dogs - we'd have to have someone watch them and we do hire a sitter once in a while when we know folks where we are.

It takes planning and forethought and in our case, some training too.

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We just finished a 7,500-mile, two-month trip with our two dogs (Lhasa Apso's). When we went sightseeing almost every day for up to nine hours at a time, they stayed in our motorhome. Our dogs will bark only if someone knocks on the door. Other than that, we leave the TV on for them and they are fine with it. I think small dogs travel better, but I'm sure I will get other opinions.


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Guest Wayne77590

The other opinion.

Some dogs are suited for travel, and some are not. I don't think it matters on size in this case, nor breed. A dog's temperament is established when it is young. Also, what it "thinks" it can get away with. In a previous post it was stated that they took a little time and trained their dogs to be alone. I really believe that a dog can be trained to behave in a specific way. It may take some doing, but it is attainable. Our 70 pound Husky loves to travel. She has the run of the MH when we are on the road, except we keep the bedroom closed off for AC reasons. However, she is right there between our seats, or just a little to the back side of them. Anytime the turn signal comes on she is paws on the dash looking out the window. I can also entice her with the words "Cows, Horsy, Puppies," and she will immediately put front paws on the dash. She has been taught not to get up-on the dash, just her front paws. She has also been trained to not get up on the sofa, however, we do realize she is a dog, so on occasion when we are to be gone 5 or 6 hours, we put a pillow or two on the sofa and she stays off. As I stated earlier, she will put her paws on the dash and watch other passerby people, with dogs, and not bark. So I really believe it comes down to training and temperament development. Training can take place at any age, but it may take a little longer. When traveling there have been times when she will come look at us and then walk to the entrance door. A definite sign that she wants go potty. We will find a spot, and it may not be right then, and she will wait until we stop.

She is a good traveler.

When we visited Mt Rainer, she was in her element:


And she get's comfortable in the car traveling. Has her own "paw" rest.


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Having had dogs most of my adult life, I can identify w dog lovers who want to take their `pooches' along w them in their motor homes. On the subject of leaving our dogs in our MHs unattended: Parks do have their own restrictions in many cases. However; we must always remember that many states have `laws' pertaining to dogs/pets & of course who could forget, CHILdren left unattended in any type of vehicle. So be sure you know the `laws' of the particular state as well. Providing A/C / heating /water have all been provided where appropriate, for me, the only other consideration is - is my dog a barker/yipper? One of the primary reasons we enjoy RVing is the `getting away from it all' aspect; nature, quiet parks, etc. When a dog owner leaves his precious Fido (Phydeaux for you sophisticated dog owners:-) alone whilst he, the owner, goes off for a day of fun & recreation, only to have Fido serenade the entire park w his barkinghowlingyipping, it is no phun for the rest of us RVers who are trying to enjoy the day. This past winter in Port Richey, FL, our neighbor went off & left his/their German Shepherd for a day - so they, the owners - could have some fun. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, their Shepherd let it be known to the rest of us, that he was NOT having a particularly happy day. Bark, bark, bark, bark; woof, woof, woof; bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, etc. Our big concern was it was hot, & the owner(s) did not leave the A/C on for this poor pooch! Park management received quite a large number of calls about this unfortunate canine - could be the reason the owners left the next morning:-( The only other consideration I have is this: Grilling our delicious meals & then consuming them is all part of the RV experience. So, to grill to perfection, set the table w all the sides, sit 'n cut the succulent steak, etc., spear the piece & whilst placing it in our mouth - look up to `see' someone's Fido dumping in front of our very eyes, has a tremendous dampening effect on the joys that wonderfully grilled meal would otherwise have provided - & it ALWAYS seems to happen at meal time - breakfast, lunch AND supper, yukk! Pa-leeze, pooch owners; have regard for other RVrs & take your dog to the outlying areas for them to do their "business!" (When in our `stick' house, Preparation `H' advertisements seem to pop up on the TV at those same times; I wonder... is this a conspiracy perpetrated by RV dog owners & Prep `H' do ya think?)

W simply these couple of considerations, we can all have a wonderful time RVing, AND, your pooches will be happy 'n healthy too:-)

Clovis 'n Ann

New Hampshire

2005 American Eagle 42R

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Guest Wayne77590

Rules permitting, when we leave Miya in the RV, it is set the same way as if we were sitting in it. She is just as comfortable for health reasons as she would if we were sitting there with her. When we take her with us in the car, she is either riding with us, or by our side walking. We do not leave her in the car when we are sightseeing. If she cannot get out and walk with us, we just don't get out but view things through the window. I know you were not directing at me, but I just wanted to clear it up. She's our baby, and we treat her as one.

Yes, I agree that pets should be taken to the outlying area's to do there "duty." We always take her to the dog walk area. However, having said that, there are time when she uses the doggy area, but all of a sudden when we are walking it is necessary for her to answer the call again. That happens infrequently, but it has happened. I will guarantee that it is cleaned up immediately, well, except for #1, but #2 is most definitely cleaned up at all times.

It is unfortunate that not all of the other pet owners do the same, and that is upsetting.

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