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Journalist Mike Wendland Travels North America in a Class B Motorhome

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How We Roll in our RV: Choosing an RV, finding the perfect spot to camp

This is the time of year folks are shopping for an RV and planning their first trips of the season. We have questions about both in this week’s edition of “How We Roll” in which Jennifer and I answer reader questions. We travel in a Class B motorhome. I’ve written lots on why we chose a B. But if you have a large family, you may want something larger. As for where we stay, we always opt for beauty and remoteness over crowded campgrounds. We share more about both questions in the video. Send




Finding Loving Dog Sitters While on an RV Trip

The surveys show well over 75% of all RVrs travel with dogs. In fact, many said because they want to take their pets with them is one of the major reasons they bought an RV in the first place. Jennifer and I are the same. We enjoy the company of our Norwegian Elkhound, Tai, and bring him with us on most of our trips. But there are times while we’re on the road that Tai doesn’t quite fit in. Take the long trip west that we’re now on. Tai will be great for most of it. But the first part, a we




Grumpy in Kentucky but on the road again

That’s because the brand-new miniature K-cup coffee maker I bought for our motorhome didn’t work this morning and I was all set to celebrate our first night in our new Roadtrek eTrek with a hot cup of coffee. Fortunately, the Kentucky Horse Park campground where we’re staying just off I-75 near Lexington, has a store and it was open, and they had plenty of coffee. Crisis averted. I had wanted to boondock on our first night to put the batteries and solar power features of this new motorhome




Taking my RV holiday shopping: Toasty comfy in the mall parking lot while the wife shops

The one thing that I most dislike about this time of year is holiday shopping. Usually, I’ll do anything to avoid a shopping mall. If God intended us to go traipsing through crowded shopping centers he wouldn’t have had Al Gore invent the Internet and online shopping. So you can imagine Jennifer’s surprise this afternoon when I actually volunteered to drive her to the mall to look up some Christmas gifts. I took my Roadtrek Class B RV motorhome. Heh heh heh. It’s a diesel, so it needs to




Every RVers worst nightmare: When your dog gets skunked

Every RVers worst nightmare: When your dog gets skunked We’re not going camping this weekend. Blame it on a skunk. That’s because the night before we were to leave, Tai, our Norwegian Elkhound, was tagged at close range by a strolling skunk that has declared our front lawn his territory, despite the grey and black furball that patrols it with vigor. It was a busy night for Tai. First, he nailed an Opossum. Actually, he just thought he took out the Opossum. The ‘possum was playing, all curled




Great Lakes Shoreline Tour: Superior’s North Shore

Of all the traveling we’ve done on this 4,000-mile Verizon Great Lakes Roadtreking Shoreline Tour, Lake Superior’s North Shore in Wisconsin and Minnesota has provided the most diverse scenery to date. Up there, as we rounded the US-side of the lake and started heading north to Canada, especially north of Duluth, we were overwhelmed by the sheer size of the Big Lake the Ojibwe call Gitchegume. It is so big it has tides. That was the first thing we learned as we moved from the Porcupine Mou




Lambert's Throwed Rolls: A Southern culinary icon

Just north of the Missouri “boot heel” is the small community of Sikeston, right off Interstate 57. It’s a great place to overnight. If you stay at the Hinton RV Park, they’ll arrange for a van to take you to dinner at a place you will not soon forget. On our visit, we were with a group of 12 RVers, on the way to a Branson, MO rally. Our group came from Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan and Ontario and we were crowded driving in that stretch van the mile or so to Lambert’s Cafe, “Home of the Throwed Ro




Solving the Problem of Bad Doggie Breath in the RV

We love to take our Norwegian Elkhound, Tai, with us when we go Roadtreking. Except for one thing. His breath. It stinks. Literally. In the confined space of an RV, dog breath can get pretty disgusting. We’ve tried chicken-flavored dog toothpaste and brushing his teeth. It works a little. But chicken flavored dog breath is almost as bad as regular dog breath. So it was with great interest that we just discovered something called Orapup – a dog breath brush. It comes with a couple bott




Getting high near Telluride, Colorado

Man we got high near Telluride! At 9,500 feet in elevation, the Matterhorn Campground just south of Telluride, CO was the highest place we’ve overnighted yet on this Great Roadtreking Family Vacation of 2013. Son-in-law, Dan, noticeably felt the effects of the altitude and all of us noticed a bit of dizzyness on exertion, especially when hiking. The Matterhorn Campground is just off Colorado Highway 145, about an hour and a half’s drive from our stay at Mesa Verde National Park. Run by the USD




RV Minnesota Side Excursions

RV Minnesota Side Excursions The Minnesota wind was howling as we drove along I-90. After more than three hours of white-knuckle driving it was time to find a place to hunker down to wait... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




My RV as a Sag Wagon

My RV as a Sag Wagon After my massage on Tuesday I drove out of San Diego in my cute little Roadtrek, due east towards Yuma, Arizona. It was a beautiful afternoon drive through the mountains... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




How We Roll in our RV: Finding Rental and Used Roadtreks

You can tell winter is wearing thin and folks are starting to think about spring and warm weather because we’re getting lots of questions about people wanting to rent a Roadtrek or find a used one to purchase. So in this edition of How We Roll in our RV, we try and answer both. Bottom line is – you will have to work at it. Roadtreks are in high demand, both for rental units and for used ones to purchase. The main Roadtrek website has a dealer locator feature that you can use to find the neare




Pomona RV Show

Pomona RV Show I’ve been hanging out at the Pomona RV show here in sunny California.  As with most trade shows, it’s stocked with the really cool, the really impressive, and the really... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Episode 3 of Roadtreking the RV Podcast

It’s time for Episode 3 of Roadtreking - The RV Podcast. I continue to be overwhelmed by the positive reponse we’ve had to the first two episodes. I hope you enjoy thosn one even more. After you’ve listened, will you do me a favor? Please consider rating and gving us a review on iTunes or Stitcher. Notes for Episode #3 of Roadtreking – The RV Podcast: Episode released Oct. 15, 2014 OPENING DISCUSSION: We had an in-depth conversation about free places to stay overnight and how many communiti




Travels with the eTrek: A photo montage

Travels with the eTrek: A photo montage Like a lot of RVers, I’ve been reviewing memories and photographs over the past couple of years. That’s what we do during the down time: Go back and look at... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Travels with Tai

So far this year, Tai has had his hackles raised by a wolf in northeastern Minnesota, been terrorized by a Chihuahua and yesterday in Alabama, he came snout to snout with a horse. But when we arrived at Pogo’s pre Mardi Gras “Smokin’ on the Bayou” Roadtrek gathering in Gautier, MS, he seemed rather indifferent to all the excitement of a dozen plus Roadtrekers coming together. Instead, he opted to just hang out on the rug outside his Roadtrek. Alone, if you don’t mind. His breed is known for its




Review: XtremeBeam Illumination Tools

Question: What’s the difference between a flashlight and an illumination tool? Answer: About $70. Or more. And some pretty powerful lights. One piece of gear all RVers have is a flashlight. Usually several. I most often relay on a small headlamp that I picked up at REI. It lets me have hands-free use when I arrive at a campsite after dark and need some illumination to set up. But we also have a couple of regular flashlights in our motorhome. They are nothing like the “illumination tools” m




Our Love Affair with Mackinac Island

For the better part of four decades, there is one place that has lured Jennifer and me back again and again, multiple times each year: Mackinac Island, located in Lake Huron, at the eastern end of the Straits of Mackinac, between the state’s Upper and Lower Peninsulas. It’s a place where motor vehicles are prohibited and where RVs must be left on the mainland at the passenger ferry docks. On the island, the only transportation available is by walking, riding bicycles or by horse. Just 3.8 squar




How We Roll – Where We Store Stuff

There’s never enough room. That’s the first thing about RVing we all think when we start RVing, isn’t it? But there really is. No matter what size RV we have, we all want to bring too much stuff. Once we discover that, it’s a little easier to pack the essentials. Still, some times, you need a little more storage space. That’s why we recently replaced one of the two back seats with a custom sized armoire. It is a perfect match with the rest of the wooden cabinets inside our Roadtrek eTrek. And




Roadtreking Sunsets and an Urge to Hit the Road

Roadtrekers love to take photos. And while our styles, skills and the things we like to photograph may vary, one thing I bet all of us like to get are images of a sunset. I’ve used these awkward days of spring before the warm weather travel season really gets under way to organize the thousands of photos I’ve taken over the past two years and 50,000 miles of roadtteking across North America. The photos could be better. But even my ineptitude is smoothed over by the awesome beauty of a sunset,




My New Roadtreking Tech Tool: A Phantom 2 Drone

I’ve messed around with some low end flying helicopters before and found them to be lots of fun. But I’ve just, gulp, added a big ticket item to my photographic and video arsenal of tools to be used while Roadtreking: A Phantom 2 drone. I’ll be using it for AVC, or aerial video cinematography. It’s really a flying machine, a quadricopter, with four opposing blades sending it up and our as far as a kilometer (3,240 feet) from where I’m standing with the controller. The unit I bought carries




The Great Roadtreking Family Vacation of 2013 is about to start!

Who says small motorhomes are only made for small vacations? In an effort to prove that the small motorhome lifestyle is very conductive to large family vacations, I’ll be turning a summer road trip into an RV caravan that my family and I are calling the “Great Roadtreking Family Vacation of 2013” It’s set to kick off Saturday, August 3, 2013. The road trip will consist of six adults, two kids and three dogs and we will travel through Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, New




RVing in the wintertime

We’re just back from a 1,100 mile RV trip that took us across Michigan’s Upper Peninsula – in the wintertime. We headquartered our trip in Marquette, where we got a chance to take in all the excitement around the annual UP200 dog sled race, one of the nation’s premier such events, a qualifying race for Alaska’s famed Iditarod. I wrote about that the other day. We really fell in love with Marquette, a city of about 21,000 in the north central UP, right on the shores of Lake Superior. The town




How We Roll in our RV – Putting on Make-up and Finding a Rental Roadtrek

In this edition of How We Roll in our RV, we tackle two completely different questions: Jennifer answers a reader named Karen, who wants to know how the Roadtrek eTrek we have works out for her putting on make-up. Jen shows the mirrors she uses along with a handy sticky pad called the Dash Stick that holds a magnifying mirror in place. My question came from a reader named Maggie, who asks about how to find a rental Roadtrek to try out, something Jen and I wish we could have done before we boug




When You Become Ill in an RV

It ain’t pretty. But it isn’t as bad as I though it would be, either. I knew something was wrong as soon as I got up that morning. I was queezy feeling and very chilled. Yet the sun was shining and it was already in the 70′s outside. We had arrived in Naples, FL the afternoon before. We ate dinner at a local restaurant and, 12 hours later, I could feel that dinner still sitting in my belly like a brick. I’m not sure whether it was food poisoning or the stomach flu or if there is really a diff



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