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Our New Thor Tuscany's Problems



My wife & I were looking forward to retirement in our new RV. We aren't experienced in the RV atmosphere, but wanted to do it right. So, we bought a brand new 2014 big rig. My wife retired in December and we were planning to leave right after the holidays. But our trip was delayed with RV tweaks and troubles.

It all started with a bad window, stained furniture, a faulty side awning and remote generator hour meter that wasn't working. Our dealership worked well with us to get most of these things taken care of. But, the generator hour meter wasn't so easy.

We were told by Thor through our dealership service department that the problem was Freightliner's responsibility to fix. So, we picked up our new rig at the dealership and drove it to the nearest Freightliner service center. After a couple days, Freightliner determined that it wasn't there responsibility, but the manufacturer's (Thor). So, we picked it up (paying Freightliner $87 for their time) and drove it back to our dealer.

We believe that Thor and Freightliner are be partners in the endeavor of putting these rigs together. We saw these two companies pointing fingers at each other with us stuck in the middle!

Our service department was also stuck in the middle! Our service manager 'Jim' was on the phone between Thor & Freightliner trying hard to get our new rig fixed. Thor wanted the rig to go back to Freightliner. Well, we weren't going to take it... so our service department had to transport it. Freightliner had it for 3 weeks before finally fixing it. But, they determined that it was a Thor issue after all! Our dealer got it back and we were able to pick it up. But, our fuel gauge was down 1/4 tank (150 gallon tank).

All we know is that we want to travel in our new rig. We haven't hit the road yet, but are getting close. We are very disappointed with our experience with Thor's customer service and quality control of the new rigs coming out of their factory. And, they still owe us $287... $87 for the warranty work done and $200 for the diesel fuel used to get it fixed. Quality control at Thor is poor. In our opinion, they really have trouble taking responsibility for their short comings!


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Truly sorry to hear about the problem (s) you've encountered with your new rig. The real sad part is a lot of new motorhomes may spend 3-6 months out of the first 12 months of ownership in the shop getting the bugs worked out.

Just a thought, will GM, Ford or Chrysler pay for your gasoline when you return your vehicle for warranty work? Mine never has.

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It's too bad manufactures don't take the time to throughly check new Coaches out before departing the manufacturing plant. I had an issue that left our new Coach stranded so we hit the road in our tow vehicle. I went directly to the head of Customer Relations and did not give up. They fixed the Coach on the spot, paid for our trip back home and delivered our Coach back to where we store it at no cost to us. I strongly suggest a short first trip. Use everything in the Coach and take good notes of what needs to be fixed. Pictures also help. You need to get involved with the factory.

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Hi, was reading your issues with your Thor RV & your story hit close to home. I bought my 2013 Tuscany 45LT last July & it was in the shop almost 1/2 of the time I've owned it. I was disgusted! I do want to report that after all my bitching, I was contacted by Thor in Elkhart & they wanted to pick up my RV in New Hampshire & bring it to their service facility across from their manufacturing plant in Indiana. I agreed & they had it for t solid weeks & fixed everything & more. They spent a lot of time & money to make it right & they did. I drove the RV home 950 miles problem free & am once again happy that I bought it. Kudos to their repair facility & the people that made it happen. Don't know if this info will help you in any way, but maybe it can.


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Hi LewisandMaria, We ordered a '09 Presidio (model no longer made by Thor) diesel pusher just before the big turn down in the economy and RV industry in late '08/ '09. When we finally took possession of our coach we had a lot of problems. A Lot. Dealership no help. Finally went to a Thor Diesel Club Rally (usually held in October, in Goshen, IN) and met some of the factory reps and service personnel in person. Turned out they were very reasonable. Said they wanted to make it right by us. Took a year and several trips back to the factory service center but most of the issues have been taken care of at no cost to us- even when well out of warranty.

In talking to many RVers over the years who have taken delivery of brand new coaches (any brand name- even Newells!), I would say 90% of them had some irritating problems after taking delivery. In most cases, the dealers who sold the coaches either didn't know how or what to do to fix them or didn't want to see you again after the check changed hands. I'm surprised your dealer fixed most of the items you found wrong! Not our experience.

Would I buy a new Thor Tuscany XTE (same price point as Presidio) again? After working with Thor's warranty service personnel, I would say Yes. I realize nothing in life is perfect, especially RVs that have numerous systems that have to work together in a vehicle going 65 mph on all different types and conditions of roads. In many cases, it can take months to get all

the bugs worked out of a brand new coach.

My suggestion if you keep your coach.... check into joining www.thormotorcoach/thordieselclub.php . They have an on-line forum where owners share different problems and other tid-bits. You can find it on their website. We're members. If you attend one of the Rallies in Goshen, like any FMCA Rally, they have quite a few informative seminars, entertainment and social get togethers. I'll buy the first beer! (or wine, or soda, or coffee).

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Greetings Lewis band Maria. Sorry to hear about your problems, but there is a silver lining in this cloud. After everything is fixed you will have a relatively trouble free RV experience. After 8 years with this current MH, there still is one item that has never been fixed, so we just live with it. It is minor in nature and at first was an irritant but it hasn't stood in the way of 8 years of outstanding adventures. I sincerely hope that in the years to come, you can look back on the problems and say "Wow, it was worth it".

Happy travels.


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It appears to me .... after buying 3 or 4 different rigs.... the manufacturers makes them, the dealers sells them and we spend months testing it out and telling them what the **** the did wrong not do correctly or did not do at all... Also, we need to talk to other RVer's to determine the details in the actual operations because they do not have trained personnel to show us the in and outs of the RV.

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I was in final negotiations to buy the new 45' Tuscany AT, but after reading the AT model has some quality control issues in a very recent review in MotorHome (Sept 2014) and some of the comments here, I have decided not to pull the trigger and buy it. It seems the brand has quality control problems and from the first entry I read here, they first tried to pass the buck to Freightliner, instead of standing behind their product. I'm 70 and in great health, but I really don't want to spend a year getting things fixed. Life is too short for the aggregation.

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