Amateur Radio and Motor Homes Sign in to follow this Followers 3 Entry posted by mailman · November 6, 2016 4972 views How elmers out there help Amateurs get on the air with Ham Radio in Motor Homes Sign in to follow this Followers 3
Report reply Uticabob Posted November 6, 2016 I added an Icom2300H recently in a Fleetwood Expedition 40X. Mounted it next to the drivers left side on the control counsel. Ran power wires thru a hole in front firewall to power studs there. Attached the antenna with a bracket about 3ft below the roof on the outside by drilling thru the wall. Took 2 1/2 inch stainless bolts. Drilled a 1/2 inch hole to feed the cable thru to the radio. Antenna was a 3ft Diamond 2 meter. Luckily I had a compartment that was there and had opening available. Antenna provides the ground plane. It works very well and I've tied into many repeaters and done simplex. Just so you know I have only had my license for a couple of months. We were on an Adventure Caravans trip and the trail master was a Ham and helped with the planning. I took my test on a balcony outside a restaurant at Mt. Rushmore. Share this comment Link to comment
Report reply captainjustice Posted December 18, 2016 What antenna are you using? de KA5GIL Share this comment Link to comment
Report reply Uticabob Posted February 19, 2017 Diamond 2m/70cm NR-770SA Share this comment Link to comment
Report reply Brittanyhill1 Posted February 21, 2017 Interesting you picked up your Amature licenses on a AC trip. I did the same on a maritimes trip with our wagon master along with 4 others. We used the radio the following year on Route 66. Couple of times to warn other of a ice storm near Williams AZ. Bought a new coach and having trouble drilling holes. Share this comment Link to comment
Report reply gordiegaffer Posted March 7, 2017 is there a frequency FMCA hams use as a to communicate on simplex or repeaters Gordie Connelly KB8HFC Share this comment Link to comment
Report reply hayesfamily Posted March 12, 2017 I am Keon KE3HAY and I have a few question for you What are you interested in doing Amateur radio wise? Are you looking for an in motion solution or a stationary? Are you looking for APRS or anything like that? What License class are you and Whats you call sign? de KE3HAY Share this comment Link to comment
Report reply Uticabob Posted March 22, 2017 Bob KM4WPF Basically traveling and then in RV park wherever. Tech license and no other interests. Don't expect to venture further into hobby. Share this comment Link to comment
Report reply hayesfamily Posted March 28, 2017 On 3/22/2017 at 10:21 AM, Uticabob said: Bob KM4WPF Basically traveling and then in RV park wherever. Tech license and no other interests. Don't expect to venture further into hobby. A simple to meter half wave antenna off the ladder will do you find in an RV park when you looking to get into local repeaters. A simple radio such as a Yaesu 2900 will do just fine. Going down the road gets a little bit more tricky because once you get too much over 2 meters the antennas get too big to actually go down the road. The other thing is a lot of RVers may not be hams so 146.52 may not necessarily be monitored on the highway. Sometimes it's going to be monitored by local folk that you'll be talking to which may be cool until you have a traffic jam and you're trying to get around and you don't know what's going on. Your technician license will get you here all day everyday. If that pretty much satisfies your need I would say this is as far as you need to go. I have a 99 Fleetwood Bounder and on the back of my ladder I have to antenna mounts installed. One is an antenna mount that is for using a mobile antenna as a base station and has a ground plane. With that I'm able to put a quarter wave antenna up that is short enough for me to travel down the highway legally. I also have an HF antenna mount that I will typically put up Hustler resonators when I'm in campgrounds for HF stuff. If I find myself in a situation where I got some trees it's nothing for me to throw a dipole up. I do keep in ft-450 and the coach for HF but never use it while in motion. I am however going to try a hustler 20-meter resonator in motion because that antenna should be short enough that I stay legal and it should be fun working folks as I go down the road. I would never really try to get on the air if there was heavy traffic but on a beautiful evening and light traffic I probably could pull it off. I would then switch to a mobile radio that has HF capabilities. De ke3hay Share this comment Link to comment
Report reply bosun Posted July 16, 2017 KE3HAY, I also want to hook up a 2 meter rig in my MH. I like the idea of putting an antenna on the latter. Do you have any pictures you can show us of your antenna mounts and what antenna you use for 2 meter? I just run with a HT for now. Having the mobile unit hooked up in the MH would be great for those evening nets while at the rv park(s). Thanks, 73 Patrick KE4TQV Share this comment Link to comment
Report reply duster340 Posted July 16, 2017 There is a FMCA ARC (Amateur Radio Chapter), . I have been a member about 6 months. I missed their rally very near my home a few months ago. There is a 1:00 EST net on 14.3075 Mon, Wed, Fri and general qso's Tue and Thu, same time/freq. While mobile, I HF/VHF with an Icom IC7000/500W Ameritron HF amp. and an Outbacker Perth antenna that's mounted on the mirror. The antenna mount/feedline is Freightliner factory installed for CB's with 3/8-24 threads. It's about 14' overall and it hits very few underpasses...trees are different story. It's mounted on a Hustler quick connect and I can remove the antenna from the drivers seat if I see trouble. Camper is about 13'3" overall. When stopped, I use a tripod stand and an Outbacker Outreach vert. 73s Greg de N5LFH Share this comment Link to comment
Report reply hayesfamily Posted August 31, 2017 On 7/15/2017 at 10:13 PM, Bosun said: KE3HAY, I also want to hook up a 2 meter rig in my MH. I like the idea of putting an antenna on the latter. Do you have any pictures you can show us of your antenna mounts and what antenna you use for 2 meter? I just run with a HT for now. Having the mobile unit hooked up in the MH would be great for those evening nets while at the rv park(s). Thanks, 73 Patrick KE4TQV IM just seeing this ... if you still need Pics Private message me and I will send you what ever you need. Share this comment Link to comment
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