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    Ridge Spring, South Carolina
  • Interests
    Jeep four wheeling, HAM radio, play guitar, Cajun cooking
  • I travel

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  1. Nice story and pictures! Thanks for sharing. I’m putting this place on our must see list. Patrick
  2. I also have State Farm and roadside assistance is included. I feel that know matter where I’m located, any road side assistance would be via a local tow/repair facility as the road assistance provider is just a dispatcher. Patrick
  3. I will try to pry it out. I will not be able to get behind them as one is on an exterior wall the other has a shower behind it. I’ve got plenty of time to think about this as I’m a couple weeks from getting back home from work. Thanks Patrick
  4. I found this photo on the net. Thanks Patrick.
  5. Thanks, I will try to pry them. I’m at work on the river (River Towboat Captain) for another 2 weeks. I will work on these switches then. Thanks again. Patrick
  6. I just learned a lot just reading this post. Thanks for sharing, glad things are working better. I hope to make it out to Quartzite some day, my oldest son just made a trip out west and stayed there for a couple weeks. He called me and said “Dad, I think I found my people”. I’m not quite sure what he meant, but I know he had a big time! Patrick
  7. On our 2017 Winnebago Vista 29VE, there are a couple of duel light switches that are reversed. What I’m talking about are the entry wall switches for the outside light and the interior light and the hall way lights. For the outside light you have to hit the furthest switch of the two, the closest switch lights up the forward coach area. In the hall way, when you stand facing the duel switch, the left switch lights up the lights to your right and the right one lights up the lights to the left. This is not a real big deal, just unnatural. For me anyway. My question is how do you remove the switches from the trim? Prying? And once off, is it easy to swap the connections around? I’ve scoured the net including YouTube and see nothing on how these switches work behind the wall. Thanks for any insight. Patrick
  8. Greetings! Interesting problem. I wonder if maybe your vent is clogged? Long shot, but worth looking at. Good luck!
  9. We had a big time camping at the Navy Station at Mayport, Fl. Plenty of ships pass by our campsite, most often a dredge operating in the channel and car carriers. A tour of a U.S. Coast Guard cutter and a navy ship were highlights of our stay. A foggy start to an offshore fishing trip went well as we caught quite a number of fish. If you qualify, a stay at this military campground should be considered. The campground is well run, clean and close to the beach and St. John’s river entrance to Jacksonville, Fl. We hope to get a chance to return soon. Our next adventure will be from our home in South Carolina to San Antonio, Texas to watch our granddaughter show her pigs at the Livestock show and Rodeo in February. Stay tuned, Patrick
  10. bosun


    I’ve decided to start a Blog. I will be sharing our RV adventures in the near future. As a River Towboat Captain I work a month on, month off schedule. We will be headed to Pelicans Roost Campground at Mayport Naval base after Christmas for a week. I have a few maintenance items to knock out before departing our home in South Carolina for Florida. I do all maintenance and repairs to the Motor home myself (so far). I find that Motor homes are very similar to large boats that I work on with all the same basic systems on board. So, stay tuned as I chronicle our trips! Patrick
  11. Nice! Mighty nice! Patrick
  12. I like this rule, added it to my short list.... Patrick
  13. I always have my HT and rubber ducky in the rig alway. I try to get on the air when I can. 73 Patrick KE4TQV
  14. Interesting, I’ve been thinking of a trip out to Fort Davis, TX and Marfa is nearby. Maybe I will see something... To bad it’s 1500 miles from home. But the next time we are in the Beaumont area visiting family, I might head over that way. Patrick, Semper Paratus
  15. My wife is a commercial motor coach driver when she decides to work (says she’s to busy visiting grandkids to take any trips lately). She has given me many pointers on proper driving techniques (mostly when getting fuel so I don’t wipe out the pumps with the rear end). We share the driving. I usually drive in the morning and she takes the wheel after lunch so I can find a campground. She is real good at backing in. Patrick Semper Paratus
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