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    Surf City NC
  • Interests
    Pickleball, hockey, Baja Fogs, being lazy 😴
  • I travel

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  1. Hello Colorado! Jan Baby (the wife) and I are from Fort Collins, though we're currently homeless and living in our rig. We left the Fort late April of 2022 and will be returning late April 2023. You'll find us at Horsetooth Reservoir April 17th of this year for a two week stay. Check it out: https://www.larimercamping.com/camping/horsetooth-reservoir/r/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=LARC&parkId=710105 The idea of joining a FMCA Chapter was very appealing to us. Especially interesting was the High Plains Drifters, both for it local of interest and I'm a big Clint Eastwood fan I tried the phone and email on file but could not get a reply??? Are they belly-up, kaput, fini? Anybody have alternate suggestions for us? We're really quite pleasant once you get to know us, despite my odd behavior 🤔
  2. Old post, but shouldn't the email address for J. Erickson be: jerickson@fmca.com? Unless the post was some kind of con job?! 😅
  3. Harvest Hosts/Boondockers Welcome has quite a few curches for overnights. Just sayin'
  4. I didn't find any info about leaving your flag up and driving off to the next campground?! That didn't work out so well for us. Which one of you picked up or flad and ran iff? 🤣
  5. BajaFog

    RV (2).jpg

    ****, you seem to have a knack for this!
  6. Pretty cool. Thanks for hiking up there and sharing.
  7. BajaFog


    Outtakes from the travels of Flash Buddy & Jan Baby
  8. Old topic, but what the heck. Some folks carry beach balls and inflate them under the toppers to stop 'em from flapping. They have to be big enought to be friction held so they don't blow away. Or tie on a srting anchor. Or there is alway the venerable two sided tape.
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