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    Corvallis, Oregon
  • Interests
    Running, eating, time with friends, international travel, cruises....hitting the open road!
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  1. Great advice...thank you all. While a new coach would be ideal....Tom & Bill probably have the most economical solution to all of this meaning do some upgrades and wait until we are able to use this for more than long weekend trips before changing coaches. I will just have to continue occupying my fantasies with what that new coach will be.....
  2. Currently own a 2004 Holiday Rambler Endeavor (38'/2 slide/330 Cummins/8 bag Roadmaster). Looking for advice from all of your on our next coach. We are primarily 3-4 day weekend RV'ers as we both work, with typically a couple of two week trips each year. We are out at least 2-3 weekends a month in the coach and live in Oregon so would like to be able to use the coach year-round. Happy with our coach but would like (1) smoother ride and better handling, (2) more room with extra slides, (3) aqua hot or system that would give us more flexibility in the winter, (4) layout with 2 euro chairs & flatscreens. Here are the type of coaches we are looking at (primarily to get better insulation and Spartan chassis): Newmar Ventana/Dutch Star, Country Coach. Would LOVE an Entegra Aspire, but that will have to wait a few years as our price range needs to be under 200k. I would love to your advice on what coaches you think we should explore further...or are we already on the right track? I would also like your advice on aqua hot or not for winter camping (winter here means no lower than 25 in the winter) and LP versus diesel fired Aqua Hot? Thanks in advance.....love to hear from the experts on this board!
  3. I am looking at upgrading our diesel pusher (2004 Endeavor with 330 Cummins). I am finding good prices on 2008/2009 coaches, but am concerned about the cost of emission equipment maintenance. Would one of you experts out there be able to give me advice about purchasing a 2008/2009 versus one of the newer DEF burning Cummins engines? I don't want to make a big mistake....
  4. It appears there are two of us with hybrids trying to figure out what this all means for us. What type of tow/braking system did you have installed? I am scheduled to get the Air Force One system installed on our motorhome on Monday,and can't seem to get anyone at Ford to give me a straight answer on the hybrid. Any advice?
  5. We just bought a 2012 Ford Fusion Hybrid (two weeks ago) for the sole reason that this appeared to be one of the few Fords that was not having any problems or warnings regarding flat towing. I am scheduled to have the tow bar installed on Monday so certainly hope to find something out on this before then. I will update everyone when I hear back..and if anyone else gets official word from Ford I would be very interested! Brett Oregon 2004 Holiday Rambler Endeavor 2012 Fusion Hybrid Toad (maybe)
  6. I was looking at towing a 99-01 RX300 as well. Did notice that it was listed as towable. Called my service advisor at Lexus and he said "No way" They have had way too many problems with their transmissions (Google RX transmission problems, it will scare you). He said that in the 17 years that he has been at the dealership, he would not recommend it, transmission is just too fragile and towing it will only lead to problems. Good luck on your search.
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