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About f424363

  • Birthday October 18

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  1. Looking for a shop that deals with electrical issues. In a class A RV. Not feeling comfortable with the Thor authorized dealer in Houston. Seems like all they want to do is hook up to computer and ask it what is wrong they don't seem to have knowledge or old fashioned experience. So tired of spending time and money on trial and error ideas that I have found in forums and u tube. I am not able to take coach anywhere that I can't plug into power. Sometimes battery stays charged for a couple days with no problem and other times it is dead in two hours with nothing running and many times not enough power in auxiliary start to start it. We have ordered a new solenoid but not sure if the authorized Thor mechanic ordered the right one as he did not know what kind it was and he is the guy they want me to trust to put it back on the RV. Kind of has me worried. Not the first time we have taken it there for same issue and it's still not fixed. If you have someone in the Houston area you trust and have good luck with let us know.
  2. f424363

    Battery Issues

    it was a THOR authorized dealer. Time to do some more homework on our part. so much conflicting information out there on the web and I am sure it is good information but not necessary for an RV. That is why we took it to an authorized dealer thinking they would know since its what they do and are trained for.
  3. f424363

    Battery Issues

    This is just too bad not to share. Took the coach in. They asked Steve what kind of solenoid do you have? I don't know your the guy I'm going to pay 200.00 to fix it you should know!!! He then said they make 2 kinds one that stays open and one that stays closed I have to know which one you want? I want the one that is not working! Not sure what to do next. If a paid trained mechanic does not know how am I supposed to know.
  4. f424363

    Battery Issues

    We unhooked the purple wire and the chassis battery would not charge at all but it did not lose volts either and it did not get hot. Soon as we re hooked purple wire it heated up and lost volts. Keeps volts good as long as plugged into shore line even though it is extreme hot. Soon as we unplug from 30amp volts drop. Going to take it in and get solenoid changed out and see if that solves it. Would love to hear if anyone else has these problems.
  5. Wanted to follow up that snider worked out good for the tires. They actually came right to us for an additional 85.00 so we did not have to go there and I'm sure glad. The guy was here about 4 hours changing all 6 tires. They dropped our appointment and I had to call in when they were still not here at 40 min. Past apointed time. But over all worked out very well and I would recommend them but stay on top of them they don't follow up very well at all.
  6. f424363

    Battery Issues

    All 3 batteries have been replaced a couple times thinking that was it. If we disconnect battery it stays charged for a month but as soon as reconnected dead in a few hours. With purple wire off it stays cool and voltage on battery not changing. Now can you tell me how do I find signatures to fix that problem of not having it listed.
  7. f424363

    Battery Issues

    I thought I had that all in my profile but it never shows up. We unhooked purple wire and reconnected battery and it's no longer hot. What is the purple wire for?
  8. f424363

    Battery Issues

    We unhooked the battery it got cool. We left battery unhooked and plugged coach into 30 am power from pole and it got hot again. We are going to disconnect purple plug reconnect battery and try that. This has been going on for a year and no one has been able to figure it out so I sure do appreciate the help. He is about ready to sell the coach and stop rving and I sure don't want that.
  9. f424363

    Battery Issues

    I just disconnected the battery and it is cooling down so I guess that is the issue. Will get it changed. Thanks Herman
  10. f424363

    Battery Issues

    If I disconnected the battery cable and that cooled it off would that be the same result. Sorry dumb old blonde asking.lol Just not sure if I can get the cable off that little thing myself
  11. My battery is new but it keeps going dead after one day or sometimes just a couple hours if I don't have it plugged in. It is not the house battery it is the engine/chassis battery. We have checked so many things we are out of ideas. We took in twice to the shop but they can't figure it out either. I attached a picture and the silver cylinder thing is extremely HOT, you can't touch it for more than a few seconds without getting burned. Not sure what it is or what it does. But thought maybe it's the issue. Engine has not been running but it remains hot all the time
  12. Thank you everyone for all your help. I truly appreciate it
  13. Do you have to change the extenders when you get new tires. The price on those dually ext valves are expensive and it seems crazy to change them
  14. Got all 6 tires ordered from Snider. They said I need to change out the valve stem and the valve stem extender but they don't offer them. Any opinions on if it is really necessary to change out the extenders? I am changing all the valves but it just did not make sense to change extenders but I don't know
  15. Coach is a 2010 Damon challenger class A
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