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  1. Not so ... AC will only respond to issues under warranty. I had a problem and could not move from the campground. Mobil tech asked for a wiring diagram. AC said NO ... You are not a AC dealer. I am very, very disappointed, to say the least! Absolutely NOT business as usual!
  2. See Topic: Entry Door On 2014 American Eagle: http://community.fmca.com/topic/11316-entry-door-on-2014-american-eagle/?tab=comments#comment-86790 I had this problem ... If we have the same door this may be your issue. Mine was the striker plate was not completely touching the trigger to release the door latch. Hope this helps.
  3. The fill valve is a brass ball valve. It works properly. Thank you.
  4. Thank you, I believe I planned to install incorrectly. Thank you.
  5. I have a 2014 American Eagle. The fresh water tank is filling when I am hooked to campground water. My guess is that the back-flow valve in the pump is stuck open and allowing water to flow back into the fresh water tank. I ordered a SHURflo 340-001 In Line Check Valve that I hope to install and hope this will solve my problem. I assume the check valve will go between the water pump and the fresh water tank. However, the water pump is way back in the utility bay. It looks like I must first disassemble part of this bay to gain access to the pump. Does anyone have some experience with this problem they can share to guide me along the way? This will be the first time I have worked on this problem. Thank you
  6. I had this problem in my 2014 American Eagle and discovered I had the ignition switch in the auxiliary position. I was easily confused and turned the key all the way counter clockwise. I needed to stop before the far left position.
  7. I have a 2014 Am Eagle. I believe the HDMI cable on mine runs underneath the jack sofa, behind the refrigerator, (both or on the driver side, big slide) to the back TV.
  8. I do not think I can get the pin out without disassembling the lock mechanism. I am not a master mechanic ... thus my approach.
  9. I think I figured out the problem. The "striker pin" (my definition) did not strike the "trigger bar" (which unlocks the door), and thus the door would not unlock. Upon visual inspection the trigger bar seemed to be slightly worn at the point where the striker pin touches the trigger bar. I glued a small clip over the top of the trigger bar at the point where the striker pin touches the trigger bar, thus making the trigger bar a bit higher at the strike point. The door has opened perfectly since this fix. I think of the trigger bar as being similar to the trigger on a mouse trap. A slight touch by the trigger pin and the trigger bar instantly releases the door. I may be wrong but, so far, it works perfectly. Just hope the glue holds.
  10. Carl, ... So, you think I posted twice on purpose?
  11. Well, Charlie and I now have something in common. It was not easy but, ( it takes a younger, smaller, nimble body) I got my frame through the DS window and eventually got the door open. All of the mechanisms was intact until I unhooked the horizontal arm from the outside handle and broke the clip. Hopefully NAPA will have a clip. After a lot of study ... A part of the problem is that the arms and pieces are not aligned, so every time the door is opened the parts are on somewhat of a bind. Lots of lube helps. The main problem is that there is a trigger release for the jaws that wrap around the horizontal pin. (Somewhat like the trigger on a mouse trap). There is a metal pin that hits that trigger ... ever so slightly. And, I think that metal pin is worn, ever so slightly. So, with slight wear and some slight katy whompis alignment, the metal pin has some difficulty engaging the trigger. It now takes two (2) pulls on the handle to trip the trigger and release the jaws. The metal pin and trigger are inside the main mechanics which I must completely remove from the door to inspect and adjust. A little like taking the insides out of a clock. I hesitate to remove the inner workings as I am not sure I would get the insides back together and properly aligned so the door will work. So, I am going to look for a very small U clip that I hope will fit over the trigger thus improving the contact area for the metal pin. I think this would work properly IF, it was aligned and not on a bind. So, I question the factory installation? Advice is welcome.
  12. The entry door on my 2014 American Eagle will not open. The door is not wedged. It is free in the frame but will not release from the bolt the jaws wrap around. In other words, the jaws do not release. Any experience with this problem that may help me? Thank you.
  13. The entry door on my 2014 American Eagle will not open. The door is not wedged. It is free in the frame but will not release from the bolt the jaws wrap around. In other words, the jaws do not release. Any experience with this problem that may help me? Thank you.
  14. Try Point of View in Key Largo. It is a very nice resort with a great view that has been recently renovated.
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