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About wayne77590

  • Rank
    USMC (Ret)
  • Birthday 07/06/1941

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  • Location
    Texas City, TX
  • I travel

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  1. Erniee, it's their loss. I was slapped when someone was looking for a part and I said I had a broken one i'd sell. They slapped me for trying to sell something not in the for sale thread! Hmm! broken part for sale, I wonder how much I could get for it.
  2. Nope, quarts countertops are good. I was just pointing out the differences between the manufactured process and the natural stone, s'all.
  3. Happy wife, happy life! Nothing wrong with either of the surfaces. Different maintenance is required for each. My quartzite has been in for several years and still holding up.
  4. I am a member. When traveling we used this web site: Elks RV parks Note that it may not have all current locations so call the lodge you are going to be near to find out. The worse you can get for asking is a, "No." The Kemah TX lodge, about 16-18 miles up the road, opened up an 8 site RV park with FHU.
  5. We went with Quartzite which is a natural stone whereas Quartz is an engineered material. A quartzite slab will be about $1k more expensive than other slab material like marble.
  6. Kitchen and bathroom remodeling is also expensive! Go ahead, ask me how I know!
  7. Got up to about 1 inch of snow this morning. My Goldendoodl didn't want to leave the patio. Her bladder must be as big as a basketball. It's 33˚ here at 1:12 p.m.
  8. Yes it was. Today I have about 1 inch of snow down here on the Gulf of...
  9. We are going to get a cold spell and my mind goes to winterizing...and then I remembered I sold the motorhome. Outside house pipes are wrapped. I hope you all survive the Winter.
  10. We are in the mid to high 50's during the day and hight 40's at night. We are getting our two weeks of Winter!
  11. Take a look at the prices then take a look at Galveston Bay RV Resort and Marina There highest priced site is $800 a month. Last I check the math that about $26 a night and some small change. I live 8 miles from that park an recommend it to all my friends. I have a least one.
  12. Glad to hear that DW is doing better. Belated Merry Christmas to all, and a prosperous, safe, and healthy New Year ================== One coach pre-DEF, one DEF. Never noticed any difference except having to fill the DEF from time to time, and on the coach the tank was the last bay (service battery) fo the coach which made it slightly more difficult. My dear wife of 63+ year passed into our Lord's hand October 28, 2024 and one week prior I sold our loved MH.
  13. As stated, lots of variables. I had a roof replaced on a 2008 Winnebago MH. Price was $19k - insurance paid. Company ordered the filon and first sheet was damanged and had to be ordered again. Several days just to get the filon in. Once in it was about 3 to 4 days or longer, and only if they can work continuously on the coach. Some veriables; removing old roof, then damaged insulation, structure, interior ceiling fabric, just to name a few. Best done by manufacturer!
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