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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. wayne77590

    Key Fob

    I"ve gotten CAR key fobs on Amazon. Who knows? Might be one for your contraption. I just searched and found Key Fob JLFTX4 Factory OEM[/utl]
  2. Well, I keep getting notifications for heat advisories. Alexa, iPhone, TV, all reporting heat advisories for our area. Now this is South East Texas, why don't they just say one time, "Heat adversories until Novemeber!"
  3. I was a 250 plus or minus 30-50. The shorter the better. DW usually planned the routes with alternating 2 day the 1 day and 250 one leg then 200 the next leg. The 2/1 was not in concrete so varied.
  4. I only have one transponder so it’s a no brainer. When I’m not using the MH I put it in the car, and when I’m ready to tow it goes back in the MH.
  5. You don’t want the sticker, you want the transponder. It’s $6.99 and then you populate your account. When the fund drop down to a specified dollar amount the will re-populate from your cc or bank account. now do explain towing a car behind a motor home. If you ha a transponder or sticker on the RV and a stickeri in the car you will be charged twice instead of y the axles.
  6. I’m 83 first week of July, and it’s probably time anyhow, but Dr’s orders for Earlene to stay close sped it up. it has been a great run going to all but one of the contiguous States, and especially meeting new friends. RV’ing does that to you.
  7. I'm going to feel that pain in selling. Should have sold last year or the year before and got more than what I paid for it, but fate is fate, I hope you sell yours soon. We are finished traveling. I haven't even listed it yet. Mainly no ambition. One tour VN, '68-'69. The orange stuff got me also but nothing life threatening yet. Also members of the Camp Lejeune society.
  8. Okay, I have the NC Quick Pass, not the EZ-pass. Ordered it from North Carolina by phone. The NC Quick Pass is accepted at all EZ -Pass tolls. The NC Quick Pass covers 19 states. When I talked with them on the phone, and this was several years ago, I told them it was for the Motorhome and that I was towing a car. The lady told me that I would be receiving a transponder and a window sticker and not to install the window stick in the car. The toll system would compensate for the extra axle(s). I was also told that I could transfer the transponder between vehicles. I paid for the extra device for the windshield of the TOAD and transferred the transponder back and forth at will. I never had a problem and just followed what I was told I could do. The window sticker stayed here at the S&B. I still have the same account with them and used the transponder last year in Indiana. Florida was a little different as there were certain toll roads that would not accept the NC Quick Pass and others that would. Just had to keep an eye on the signs. I do realize that things may have changed when I received mine but it might be all about who you talk to when applying for the pass.
  9. You don't need one for the TOAD. You get the square EZ-Pass and not the stickers. You can transfer from MH to car when unhooked,
  10. Well Ray, I put up with her for 63 years. Of course that is my side of the story and I'm sure she has a side also. A week ago tomorrow she visited her oncologist. No appointment, just popped in as she was not feeling well at all. They told her to go to the ER, which we did, and they diagnosed her with pneumonia. She was discharged Thursday and says she is feeling better. A bone marrow biopsy some time ago showed no signs of leukemia, but AML never goes away and can raise its ugly head at any time. We have an appointment with her oncologist tomorrow to decide if she should continue the chemo - or what. Strictly at the mercy of the doctor. She has been told that any traveling we do should be local. Well, local here in the Summer is 95˚+ and not really a fun thing to do. We have cancelled our Shipshewana trip and have decided to sell the motorhome. I just need to get off my butt and list it somewhere. Thanks for asking.
  11. Be wary using the iPhone or any other device that cannot be configured for a high, long, and heavy RV. Use software that can put in the parameters of your RV.
  12. Good answer Bill. Now, are you going to tell him how?
  13. So interesting, and so tragic. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Lasalleg, This past summer we left for cooler weather. Made several stops before getting to our final destination. Used the dish all the way. Got set up at last stop and satellite dish would not search/find a satellite. Called a satellite installer and he came out. The satellite dish I had was from 2015 and everything electronic was sealed into the box at the dish. He said there was no way to open it up and fix it. Only thing to do was install a new dish. Happy I did. I can control it from my iPHone. I can even select the satellite I want to receive if the primary ones are blocked. Alternate satellites are a different azimuth (Dish Network) He, only $3600 installed. We dd like our satellite programs.
  15. Ray, wonderful to hear she did not have a stroke. Back in October Earlene was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), the bad kind. She had a very bad time at first with several stays in hospitals with blood and platelet transfusions. I know the turmoil you are going through. Our last visit to her Oncologist revealed that she is in remission for now but will continue on chemo for the rest of her life. We have just also decided to give up our travel and sell the motorhome. It was a pleasure meeting you in Shipshewana, IN. We had hoped to go back there again this year, just hoping. For the men, sit back and take stock of what a wife does all day. They are amazing. Try it some time and you will be so tired at the end of the day you will have no trouble sleeping. It's go, go, go, go, and then think of what they went through with a child in their arms, They are a fantastic person. Treasure them and help them out a lot. Take several days and tell them to sit back and that you will do everything. It will surely give a different perspective. Ray, prayers that you wife has recovers quickly. God bless. Hugs from us.
  16. Have you checked the CAC (Charged Air Cooler? Has it been cleaned out? I would expect that Cummins would have done that when you brought it to them.
  17. And you can't get an Open Roads card in Canada. But, the Open Roads card works in Canada but there is no discount.
  18. Don't you think that the SS Administration can be hacked. As stated, I have saved hundreds of dollars using Open Roads. There are two ways to handle this. 1: give SSN and get the card. 2: Don't give SSN and don't get the card. Not trying to be a Wise Ax, but it is what it is, and then it is what you make of it.
  19. Congratulations Ray and Hana on the new purchase. So sorry to hear of the terrible things you had to endure. A few shake down trips and a snowbird trip is in store. We don't call y'all "snowbirds," we call y'all "Winter Texans!" Welcome back! Happy trails!
  20. The brass ones can bend, the chrome ones not so. Dually Valves are my personal choice in Ray's post. My choice of Dually Valves is that they are tailored to the make and model vehicle you have.
  21. Surely there are enough non-airtight holes around to pass one through. Also they make a flat cable that will close on a window and still provide feed.
  22. Strange! I had two episodes with progressive and one was for $16,000 and not a bit of haggle. The second was when Hurricane Harvey totaled the RV. Progressive paid me what I paid for it and I had it for 10 years, so go figure. Why the difference between my claims and Ray's?
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